[A-RP] Commoner First Party - “We need a House of Commons!”

These broadcasts would make Arcturus Mengsk proud.

I would expect Adrian Engles to announce the Sons of Westfall plans for a Peoples Dominion.

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Adrian Engles aired another broadcast this morning, reminding everyone of his rally tomorrow at 7:30 at the dry docks, announcing a memorial service on Saturday, and - as per usual - denouncing the nobility.



To the honorable Councilor Engles.

My name is Regulus Sevatarion, and I am a land-owning Nobleman from the southern reaches of Westfall. I am not a wealthy or well-off man, as I am heir to a crumbling estate and a fallow land. My lands are known as Havendell, and were once part of the productive agricultural family of Westfall. My citizens were happy under my Grandfather and Great-Grandfather before him. However, since the Orcish Wars, my people’s lands were plundered by the green skins to fuel their Wars against Lordaeron, and have lain neglected and withering ever since. The true suffering began after the Third War, when the Stormwind House of Nobles arose to power in absence of the King. Under their auspices, Poverty became rampant. Indeed, all of Westfall can share a similar tale. Only the most stubborn and determined of families, like mine, manage to scratch out a living from soil so lifeless a marmot would not burrow in it.

My own woes are not why I write to you now however, Councilor, for I am but a country Lord, regarded as little better by my Stormwind peers than the peasants I hold the ancestral duty to govern. However, I am responsible for more than one hundred people. These are simple folk with humble aspirations. Shepherds, Farmers, Cowmen, Families mostly, who have worked this land since the days of my ancestors. What are they to do when Stormwind cannot spare a single coin for agricultural reform when they can afford to construct such grand fortresses right in the heart of Westfall? People cannot eat stone and mortar, or the blades of the Westfall Brigade, who despite their claims to protect us so often more protect Stormwind’s interests in the area. We are treated as a buffer between Elwynn and the coast, and nothing more.

If I cannot bring prosperity back to my lands, then the common folk will have no choice but to leave. I have tried to persuade them to remain, and they remember my Grandfather and how good he was to them, but I fear I am not the public speaker he was. I have given every copper in my coffers to attempt to revitalize this land, bringing in livestock at great expense and attempting a yearly harvest as it should be, but to no avail. If the worst comes to worst, all will scatter from my lands and Havendell will become nothing but another ruin lost amid the fallow fields of Westfall. I write to you Councilor Engles to ask for your advice. What should I do? How can I bring the wealth of Stormwind back to my countrymen? And how can i ensure our voices are heard so that this tragedy does not happen again?

Yours in good faith,

Baron Regulus Sevatarion.

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Dang lol. This actually sounds amusing.

Too bad I stopped playing a fair bit back. :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean this toon and one other (due to timeline shenanigans) ARE both of noble blood. Though Solaela here doesn’t treat commoners like crap even if she’s not SW nobility so maybe she’d scrape unless we wanna use her gilnean linage and nobility from there to point her as a target XD. Could just imagine her being all confused and trying to defend herself as ‘not one of those total piece of trash nobles’ only to be still attacked with a cry of ‘like we give a toss! DOWN WITH YOU NOBLE BORN SCUM’

Ava freaking hears static in her communicator as she wakes up. “GAH DANG IT!”

She listens to the broadcast. “heh… worked my way from tha’ bottom ta’ get where ah’m… Ya’ know what, ah’m gonna go ta’ this… Who knows, ah’ like watching the world burn.”



A rally tonight, at 7:30 :clock730:, down at the dry docks in Stormwind Harbor. Adrian will address the crowd, answer questions, and mingle!


hopefully im awake it has been a long freaking morning.

Adrian Engles took to the airwaves in the afternoon; his voice, grainy amid the static, called upon the church to aid in his fight against the nobility!



Criers shout about Stormwind’s streets on the hour, just after the clock tower stops singing: “Memorial for the recently slain commoners at the cemetery, tonight! Thirty past the seventh toll! Councilman Engles will be holding a eulogy!”

7:30 SERVER TIME in Stormwind’s cemetary :slight_smile: Listen, mourn, let the hate flow through you, or what have you! Bring that RP goodness!


Adrian Engles takes to the airwaves, responding to recent opinion pieces and open letters.

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“The age of the Commoner is upon us, and attempts to silence us will only deliver the opposite.”

The Deputy Mayor, Adrian Engles, takes to the airwaves and speaks out against the nobility; this time, directly by name.

Councilman Engles Calls Out Lady Greene

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Adrian Engles took to the airwaves this afternoon. Engles, overcome by static at parts, announced the Commoner’s Manifesto and the beginning of his tour – this Saturday, the 25th. (Transcript available in video’s description!)


Say… even if I dont play in the game any more, think I can have one little tom-foolery post? the idea I had in my head for awhile after reading some of this having some ulterior motive person sticking there nose in to disrupt the little party in some way. like a little fakey note.

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(-cracks knuckles- feel free to veto or give me some insight if you may)
Printed in limited quantities over mostly Oldtown of Stormwind city, All of them unprofessionally made with pre-printed letters followed with lovely handwriting on its surface. Labled-

‘Beware! they lurk.’
‘Fellow members of CFP, it seems that we are being herd. Our numbers swell and our hearts shared by many of the common folk, but beware! for when our numbers swell, there is trouble!’

‘How many people do you realy know are commoners? while we can look onto the face of our fellow worker who has seen the sun more than the Noblemen hiding in there lofty dwellings, How do we not know that some of these faces belong to that of Nobility? At this very moment SI:7 or the crown of Stormwind could be amungst us and we would never know it! What are there motives? Why, to keep an eye on us. Sow seeds of descent, worm there ways into crowds to capture us and put us in the stockades no doubt! Some could lay low for weeks now and reach to the highest ranks of our members to lead us to false charges that might lead us to our downfall!’

‘What are we to do?! any one of us could be the deceitful Noble and we wouldn’t know it! It is not as easy as to look upon there face or hear them speak as many of them are cleaver rusemen willing to do anything to slow our progress of finally seeing to our needs being met. I know not the answer for I am a simple man, but even a simple man can see that the many faces amungst us just do not sit right. Be wary good fellows! be wary indeed!’


I dig this a lot


A broadcast aired over the radio this afternoon: Adrian Engles revealed what he’d learned of the nobility during the first segment of his cross country tour. He also announced another petitioner’s hour across the stone bridge between the Blue Recluse and the Slaughtered Lamb.

A day earlier, a news story ran in the Stormwind Daily Bugle titled “ENGLES TOUR ELWYNN”:

Stormwind City Councilor and Commoner First Party leader Adrian Engles began his tour of Elwynn Forest, the first region of his self-styled “Cross Country Tour.” Official CFP spokesperson Elaine Tobias indicated that their pro-commoner message of justice and equality had found a foothold in many areas in the region, and that regional offices of the CFP had been established to continue the CFP’s work. Additionally, Ms. Tobias revealed that the CFP discovered numerous crimes committed by the nobles whose land they traveled through. “It was incredibly revealing,” Ms. Tobias commented. “Things in the countryside are much worse than we originally thought.”

Sources within the CFP indicated that Mr. Engles visited Norbury and Greenstown — both baronies of Stonewind County, a holding of Lord Norman Greysons. Greenstown, ruled over by Lord Robert Thaltor, was among Mr. Engles’ first stops.

Mr. Engles also reportedly visited the Barony of Caldain, of Lord Tion Harrowmire, and the Duchy of Mivirdaeux, whose Heir Apparent, Lord Darioch Aurelious, was a recent target of an assassination attempt, and will, according to sources within his House, soon be coronated as Duke. Witnesses also claim that Mr. Engles visited Lord Londuin Elkhelm’s Kingsmark, as well as Ridgegarde, land belonging to Lord Lucien Chartres, something of a reclusive lord as late.


Vehemently vile accusations, rot with deceit and falsehoods!

Time to double the shifts and half the rations of the Silver Mines.

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"The proletarians commoners have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.

Proletarians Commoners of all countries, Unite!”"


Communist Commoner’s Manifesto.

Also, CFP has a website! cfp . carrd . co


Working within the boundaries of Lion’s Rest as a landscaper, Esra Kellington wears the Commoner First Party pin with pride and a smile. It’s not often that the insignia leaves his left breast.

( Definitely a group worth checking out! I joined a couple of weeks ago and have been enjoying the story ever since. The guild’s website is cfp . carrd . co )

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