[A] Ronin <9/9H> <3/9M> Wed/Sun/Mon

Guild: We are Ronin-Sargeras

Uldir - 8/8H, 2/8M
BoD -9/9H, 3/9M
EP - 8/8H

Raid schedule:
Our main raid times are Sunday&Monday from 9PM to Midnight Eastern Time (8-11 server)
Off raid night is Wednesday 9PM to Midnight Eastern Time (8-11 server).

We are currently looking for some Ranged DPS and a 5th healer, prefer Pally/Shaman with a dps OS or vice versa for mythic progression to fill out our raid roster for Mythic raiding. We do not require Mythic experience we only ask that you are active, know your class, and competitively want to try and push yourself to be better to help us as a team to clear content. We have a two week trial process, and recommend all trials come to the Wednesday night run if possible so that we can see see as much as you have to offer as possible!

High Priority:
*Demon Hunter
Ranged DPS
Swing healers

Who we are:
Ronin is a well established guild that is laid back, yet serious about getting boss kills. Our core group has been together since Cataclysm, so as a guild we work together extremely well. As a guild we are active doing Mythic+, World content, and being a fun social guild daily!
We provide guild repairs, feasts, flasks, and even enchants if you ask really nicely! If we notice someone struggling to play their class to its full potential, instead of g kicking them or telling them to “get better”, we help out and try to provide you with materials and knowledge of how to better play.

How we handle loot: On our two main raid nights (Sunday and Monday), we use RCLootCouncil and it is required for all of our raiders. With the new standardized personal loot, if a piece if your highest ilvl, you cannot trade it whether it will be used or not, and even if a piece is tradable but you want to keep it, it is all yours. Pieces that someone wins that are tradable that they don’t want, we will loot council through the addon.

Many things are taken into consideration for this. BiS, size of the upgrade, attendance, performance, recent loot history, we do our best to make sure each piece of loot is handed out as fairly as possible, and goes to the most deserving player.

On our Wednesday night run, we do our farm content. While progressing through heroic on the main nights, we will start Normal on Wednesday, and after we clear it we will spend the remaining time starting Heroic. On Sunday, we will pick up wherever we left off on Heroic from Wednesday. While we are progressing through Mythic, we will Start Heroic on Wednesday.

What we expect from you:

Attendance: We expect everyone to be on 15 minutes before raid. We understand, life happens sometimes, but if you cannot regularly attend the main raid nights, this is not the guild for you. We do accept players who want to join as fill-in bench roles if you cannot regularly attend the raids, but to maintain a permanent spot on the raid team we require regular attendance.

Be Prepared: Come to raid with bonus roll coins, potions, and the proper enchants. We use cauldrons on the main raid nights, and feasts on all three raid nights. Personal food is highly recommended for times we are learning new difficult bosses when we are trying to conserve our feasts.

Good Attitude: We are here to have fun and kill bosses. Dragging any drama into the raid is a good way to prevent both of these.

Raid Awareness: As long as you can follow raid instructions while maintaining your rotation, and you learn from your mistakes, you’ll do just fine. Remember: Dead dps is no dps, progression is all about learning and executing mechanics properly, while parsing is for farm fights!

Feel free to contact an officer if you have any questions!
Duâlity-GM (Duality#1810)
Beeftips-Officer (arson94#1202)
Tactical-Officer (brutal#1108)
Titrigar-Officer (Nick1991c#1497)

New raid this week, let’s go!

Needing some new trials!

Raiding on Sunday. Let’s get it!

Up to the top


Mostly looking for ranged DPS, but considering all who apply! :smiley:

Still need a few more!

Still looking for more dps!

To the top

Still needing some more bodies!

Let’s do it, where the trials at?

Up up and away

Normal run tonight, let’s get it!

Just the daily

Any ranged out there?

Still needing some more people!

Up to the top

6/9 H | 1/9 M now!

Up up and away!