Hello Everyone,
Me and (3) friends are returning to the game for S4 and DF.
We are looking for a 2 night a week weekday raiding guild & we are looking to raid between the hours of 7:30pm and 10:30pm
Raid Experience:
Me: Heroic Raider, but will dabble in mythic on a casual basis
Friend #1 Heroic Raider
Friend #2 Heroic Raider, Note Returning from a long hiatus & hasn’t raided since legion.
Friend #3 New Player
Me: Role: Healer, I know how to play all the healers, expect Shaman & Disc priest. I prefer to play Druid & MW monk.
Friend #1 Role: DPS, Knows how to play Shaman, Pali, DH. He Prefers to play Shaman
Friend #2 Role: DPS, Knows how to play Spriest.
Friend #3 (New Player) Role: DPS/Tank, He is currently learning how to play Warlock & Hunter as DPS and Learning how to Tank on Warrior.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and please reach out to me if you think we would be a good fit.