[A] Returning casual player trying to get as serious as possible before BFA ends

I’ve never really gotten the opportunity to get serious about WoW since Cata and I really want to give it a shot in BFA before it ends. What I mean by this is I want to go as far as I can this tier and be able to push high key mythics with relative consistency. Maybe even a little PvP.

I’m a casual player with a shadow priest and an outlaw/assassination rogue. Both need some work in the gear department tbh. Definitely working on it day by day though.

I have a pretty odd and unusual schedule due to my work, so I can’t really commit full time to a schedule, and am looking for a flexible group of people who won’t mind me tagging in and out as needed.

Hey there. Check out our recruitment post to see if we might be a good fit for each other.

Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in more info!