A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

loosely based.

In the same way that Hydra in the MCU is loosely based on Nword Germany and Red Skull is based on the man whose name begins with H.

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No the Highway of Death happened in real life, it is an actual event the game chose to reenact and whitewash and reverse the roles

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They use this name of a real disaster, but the event takes place in a fictional place called Urzikstan it does not take place in Kuwait. But you are right this did result in a lot of backlash especially since this one in game moment where US claims victory over the Russians and turns the Russians into the enemy of the fight, does make light of the fact that the US military were actually the villains in the real disaster.

But look at who is running Activision. That’s who is responsible. the man who hired the defense team responsible for downplaying the US’s War Crimes in the Iraq War. This says more about him personally than the CoD franchise.


I am now reminded of New World and its colonialist basis.


One of the main reasons I was turned off by it

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Correct, which is my point.

  • It is fact the US armed forces/pentagon collaborate on, help fund, and use Call of Duty for recruitment
  • It is fact multiple Activision leadership are former political officials tied to the military, one of whom is described as the “attack dog” and the other is Known Defender Of Torture And Human Rights Abuses By the Military

These two fact combined is what produces Call of Duty’s whitewashing of US war crimes and its capacity as a tool for propaganda and recruitment.

The speculation I am doing is that this relationship/dynamic, of Games-as-Propaganda, is possibly leaking into World of Warcraft, ergo why Sylvanas’s act of Genocide being viewed as “Grey™” is pushed so heavily by the developers and writers.

It is possibly not their perspective, but a forced talking point above their paygrade they must repeat.

That’s small fries, the real cringe is New World uses the Ancient Aliens/Ancient Lost Civilization trope, which is a double edged sword depending on how it plays out.

Natives are descendants of Ancient Civilization who decided not to replicate the circumstances of their collapse? Yeah sure cool, it’s the same spirit as Night Elves and Trolls in WoW.

Natives are Ancient Aliens? Man, what.


The whole Our ancestors built everything cause aliens is top tier cringe and nausea inducing

Curious. How do they explain exclusivity?

What are they based on exclusivity? “We’ve lived for so long and haven’t done anything very bad” or “We’ve built a better society as refugees”?

Most of us who actually pick up a book on occasion are keenly aware America has a lot skeletons in her closet.

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Going from what you’ve said, World of Warcraft would have to be used as a recruitment tool for that to be valid. The “gray genocide” portion also ignores what the Orcs have done to the Draenei which has clearly been portrayed as evil. The idea of executives telling Blizzard writers to make genocide look good is ridiculous.

Not that “good”, maybe “not worthy of attention”? Horde, Burning, bad Tyrande, angry for some reason … No?

US gov has done weirder things historically. You know this.

And reminder, Blizzard did not have any relation or links to the Pentagon or US military generally before it was sold to Activision.

And no, I don’t think WoW being used as a recruitment tool is necessary to the concept of Games-as-Propaganda

Blizzard still doesn’t.


on the basis of

I’m so tired of this trope tbh, between new age and Christian conspiracy theories about giants from the Enocian Bible to Gaia. Not only is it overused but people are starting to believe it’s actually real. Alien Astronaut Theory needs to die.


Ancient Aliens is still running. Keep that in mind.

I will say though, given every continent’s name is based on Greek names for it, within Greek myth/conception of the world, the land far, far away to the West, beyond the “pillars of Hercules” that was a giant land, was Atlantis.

Ergo, rather than America (continent) being named after a random Italian, it would’ve been cool if the colonial period had the decency to follow Greek convention and recognize the land as Atlantis.

Mostly because then we get to claim being Native Atlantean.

Alas, they went with Random Italian Guy #2 and Latin for Australia/America.

It already did. By me.


That’s when he started with the personal attacks. And now he thinks I’m someone else who’s stalking him in every thread he posts in. It’s all strange


I just now took a look at the thread he’s accusing you of that in. What the hell.