A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Wait, really, did he say that?

He sure did.

And yeah, sorry about my self-deprecating nonesense.


More precisely I said Pentagon helps fund and “collaborates” on CoD (it does, this is known material fact) and that this is why Call of Duty does weird ahistorical US propaganda (US war crimes are changed to be The Other Guys) and that it’s likely imo that this relationship has trickled elsewhere into Activision.


Measuring IQ is weird pseudoscience and it isn’t real. The existence of Mensa is like “Indigo Children”. It’s the socially acceptable form of “I was a gifted kid and that’s why society is so hard because I’m so brilliant”.

That’s a straight up conspiracy theory.

Nope it is easily verifiable fact that an ongoing relationship including financial support exists

I’m not going to believe that until I see proof


It’s been a thing since Black Ops days.


Side note, breaded chicken with Spicey bbq sauce is soooo good. All I got to add


The US Army is also a sponsor for NASCAR, that doesn’t mean they’re feeding propaganda to race car drivers. Advanced Warfare’s storyline deals with a PMC overtaking the US Military’s authority, there was research done to try making the story authentic. That would be a top concern for the Pentagon, so it makes sense the developers would ask someone from there about such a situation.

Nascar isn’t a military based game that’s been used as a recruitment tool that also white washes US war crimes

Weird huh, game takes money and consulting from US military and regularly white washes US war crimes ahistorically.

Strange. Curious, even.


“Sure maybe Blizzard is full of sexist and racist abusers and employs various former political officials one of whom gained notoriety for defending torture and human rights abuses, and sure Activision takes on US military advisors and funding from US military, and sure the Call of Duty games whitewashes US war crimes, but it’s a conspiracy to think there’s a relationship there!”

Like c’mon yall


It’s a matter of marketing. Call Of Duty is made to appeal to the US market, they’re going to whitewash the US’s side of things when selling to an American audience. Making their audience less comfortable means less sales. We know about the No Russian controversy.

Absolutely not, there are many Americans who aren’t completely ignorant of U.S. history, and believe in American exceptionalism. If they want to market the game to far-righters, then they also could.


That’s not the majority, which Call of Duty appeals to.

I mean to wit I’ve encountered people IRL who believe the Call of Duty version is the real one because it was their first time encountering that history.

Because rewriting history is actually a very drastic, very dangerous act that is always done with explicit intent.

And it ain’t “marketing” lol


What I meant is that they’re trying to convince ALL of us that that’s how it happened.


I tried to fact check this claim and only found out that the US army uses CoD esports for recruitment. I can’t verify your claim that Blizzard Activision is collaborates with the pentagon to make war propaganda. CoD is largely fictional. It does not ever claim to be based on actual events. I’m guessing you are referring more to the Black Ops series than the entire CoD franchise, and Black Ops is more like revisionist history and not historical fact.

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Yet many of the events are based on actual events, including entire reenactments in some games.

They literally white washed US war crimes in the game.

How is the act of whitewashing a US war crime not propaganda?

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