A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

nobody here is “intellectual”, Academia Brain is actually a plague, it’s just a question of reading a lot and ideally from local authors in their languages (the bad translations of Fanon that lead to popular misapplications is actually a great source of regularly-encountered suffering for me lmao)


I don’t have you on ignore, the reply function can be finnicky on the forums. Also, I’m not going to get notified if you’re replying to someone else’s comments.

I’m not sticking to Old Testament laws and punishments or cherry-picking (btw funny you should talk about cherry-picking from the Old Testament that after claiming there’s a verse that says soiling yourself is a sin). I know the Old Testament’s part of historical background, and how punishment system of Mosaic Law does not apply.

The Jedi’s flaw wasn’t in their teachings, it was in their complacency, how they interpreted them and not adapting to new ways of fighting (like not considering how to handle a Sith politician).

The Catholic Church has problems.

You’re making a generalization when you say some vague, undefined amount of Christians live in fear of God. God is clearly recounted as accepting non-believers converting in both the Old Testament and the New Testament long before the book of Revelation was written. Those allegories you said in TBC while interesting, are hit-and-miss (for one, Xe’ra wasn’t in The Burning Crusade expansion lol)

If so, I think it’s most likely because you share the same ideology. But, thankfully, I think you dodged a bullet by not getting employed by Blizz.


If they were culturally erased, the records wouldn’t exist today. Telling that you didn’t even quote-mine a whole sentence. At least you didn’t peddle Flat Earth Theory, phrenology or the Christ Myth Theory (yet).

The double standards, the rudeness (I’m surprised Renautus threw Baalsamael under the bus there, but her hatred of me might outweigh her rapport with Baalsamael) and the know-it-all-know-nothing tendencies. You claim Germanic pagans were culturally erased when enough records of their belief survived that people today can reconstruct it and make Heathenism to spite people who follow the Abrahamic Faiths while playing it off as “let me sing the song of my people” as if the old pagans and their religions were all peace and moon dancing.

American Christianity? Are you also talking about Christianity in Canada, Mexico and the countries of South America?

You do realize that cherry-picking isn’t limited to Christians, religious people or people in the United States, right?

Only Christ is without sin. Even if Peter did have problems with his temper or was a misogynist (this is if we say, for the sake of argument, that the Gospel of Mary is genuine and not a fabrication), that doesn’t debunk Christianity. It just shows a bit more about Peter’s sins.

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene would better be titled “the Gospel of Mary,” due to the fact that the Mary the gospel mentions is nowhere specified as Mary Magdalene. In the New Testament, there are six women named Mary, with three of them being prominent in the life of Jesus: Mary, Jesus’ mother; Mary Magdalene; and Mary of Bethany. It is only tradition that the Mary the Gospel of Mary refers to is Mary Magdalene. For the sake of clarity, we will assume that Mary Magdalene is the Mary of the Gospel of Mary.

Conspiracy theorists have contrived a conflict between patriarchal Christianity (exemplified by Peter) and “true” Christianity (exemplified by Mary). The Da Vinci Code takes this conspiracy theory to new heights by portraying the Christian church as covering up Jesus’ relationship with Mary Magdalene and denying His appointment of Mary as the leader of the church. The problem with this conspiracy theory is that there is absolutely no evidence for it, not even in the Gospel of Mary. The Gospel of Mary nowhere states that Jesus appointed Mary as the leader of the Christian church. The Gospel of Mary nowhere states that Jesus and Mary were romantically involved.

The Gospel of Mary was not written by Mary Magdalene or any other Mary of the Bible. The Gnostic teachings found in the Gospel of Mary date it to the late 2nd century AD at the earliest. As a result, there is no validity to its teachings. Similar to the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Judas, the Gospel of Mary is a Gnostic forgery, using the name of a biblical character in an attempt to give validity to heretical teachings. The only value in studying the Gospel of Mary is in learning what heresies existed in the early centuries of the Christian church.

What ideology would that be?

Many of them don’t. A lot of the faith is left to assumptions and conjecture. Hell, we call ourselves heathens because that is what the Christians called us, and it’s really the only consistent name we have…

You are so dense, you don’t even realize how the culture erasure sustained at the hands of the Christians impacts the very name of the faith.

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The left-wing kind shaping the current zeitgeist

How can you know how many records were lost if they don’t exist anymore? No central religious authority exists to impose a particular terminological designation on all practitioners. Hence, different Heathen groups have used different words to describe both their religion and themselves, with these terms often conveying meaning about their socio-political beliefs as well as the particular Germanic region of pre-Christian Europe from which they draw inspiration.

Academics studying the religion typically favor the terms Heathenry and Heathenism to describe it, for the reason that these words are inclusive of all varieties of the movement. Some of the names include contemporary Germanic Paganism and names for subgroups such as Ásatrú, Vanatrú and the new term Forn Siðr/Forn Sed.

The Old Norse religion was rooted in ritual practice and oral tradition and was fully integrated with other aspects of Norse life. The practitioners of this belief system themselves had no term meaning “religion”, which was only introduced with Christianity, so the faith might not have even had a name.

It varied across time, in different regions and locales, and according to social differences. This variation is partly due to its transmission through oral culture rather than codified texts. For this reason, the archaeologists Andrén, Kristina Jennbert, and Catharina Raudvere stated that “pre-Christian Norse religion is not a uniform or stable category”; I contend it underwent changes before any contact with Christians occurred.

To be fair, not all followers of Heathenery were/are atheists being counterculture to the Abrahamic Faiths, so while some definitely fit that criteria, I apologize for that generalization on my part.

This thread almost got interesting, and became about the origins of monotheism.

Hey Ren, Doness, Baal, Micah… Check this out. Thad thinks I’m a leftist lol.

I am not even going to waste my time with anything else he is saying, because it is all nonsense.

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It is not cherry picking when you use it as an example of people who DO cherry pick as that is one of those laws that has being ignored throughout the ages. Which is what I did if you bothered to actually read the post and understood what the context of that was.

I never said Christians in general (as that would include myself). Just those on the right wing side of politics tend to use the “fear of God” in their messages. Also I wasn’t the original person to make that claim either.

So one example, which wasn’t actually meant to be read as part of the allegory but more of a joke (congrats on missing the joke) means the whole thing is hit-and-miss? Is that seriously the best you can do? Take a joke out of context? But seriously, keep making yourself look like an idiot with your horrible attempts at “gotcha” style posts. Those don’t work if you have to intentionally take things out of context to try and do it.

Since you love to say it.

Citation needed.

“Everything I don’t like is fake news”. Seriously, get a new “I’m not listening” line. You are starting to sound like a broken record.

Everyone is a leftist when you go too far to the right.

I mean the NRA cult claims that former Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard (an ultra conservative) is left wing because only left wing people bring in gun control laws according to them.

Sorry but I do find it hard to believe you. Considering that I was actually replying directly to you by quoting you. It took you a long time to reply to my posts and not even the posts that made me suspicious in the first place. Despite replying to other people in the time between. So

sounds like a lie. You probably did put me on ignore. Saw me make the hypothesis (by clicking on “show comment” or something like that), then took me off ignore so you could say that I wasn’t. I’ve seen all the time from right wing people on social media. Hell, I was blocked by the former Deputy Premier of NSW on facebook among other people such as Craig Kelly and Clive Palmer.

If you knew anything about Akiyass, this has the same amount of dramatic irony to it as the NRA cult calling former PM John Howard a leftist since his government brought in gun control laws for Australia.


I see. I misunderstood because of your eagerness to mock the PM for possibly soiling himself.

Thank you for clarifying.

I said “hit-and-miss”. Some comparisons were good, some weren’t. I found the cone citing Xe’ra very out of place and amusing.

Scholars cannot even agree on which Mary “the Gospel of Mary” refers to. Stephen J. Shoemaker and F. Stanley Jones have suggested that she may be Mary the mother of Jesus, Barbara J. Silvertsen alternatively suggests that she may be a sister of Jesus - an individual who has largely been lost in history (and, if true, would be a half-sister of Jesus since Mary had kids with Joseph after Jesus’ birth - Jesus has half-brothers and half-sisters, one of several verses citing this is Mark 6:3).

It is missing six manuscript pages at the beginning of the document and four manuscript pages in the middle, and this is from the most complete version in the Berlin Codex.

The Gospel of Mary is also not present in the list of apocryphal books of section five of the Decretum Gelasianum.

And everyone is far-right when go too far to the left.

I don’t know much about the NRA, if they said that they’re wrong. Judging by your words, just a head’s up, it sounds like politics might be taking the place in your heart that should go to God.

Well I saw the notification for this reply, so you can put that suspicion to rest.

See the above the comment.

I’d have to see the exchange of dialogue between you and these people before I can say why they blocked you (assuming it actually happened). Also, do you realize how much you keep inserting left-vs-right politics into conversations that aren’t about those things?

Akiyass is championing pro-choice, which is a major feather in the cap of left-wing politics. By the way, are there any right-wing politicians you can say anything positive about? I can think of a few left-wing ones that were/are good (such as JFK and Gough Whitlam) and a few on the right who were/are bad (such as Nixon and Pauline Hanson).

geez, almost like you can have views that fall on either side of the spectrum. Who knew? But I guess if someone believes in only 1 thing the other side does, that person MUST be on that side.


I already have. Howard and his gun reform policy. But that is about it tbh.

There’s also Aki’s embracing of New Age Religion and typical anti-Christian left-wing talking points. Those are also popular on the left-wing. Plus, non-left parts of the political spectrum (nor anarchism) are neither popular nor the basis for the current zeitgeist.

Also, got anything to say about the rest of my comment that you quote-mined?

You give the right too little credit, or you give the left too much.

It is so interesting how you are so strong minded on people replying to every single sentence of your posts… meanwhile you will quote a whole paragraph and STILL miss the point of it / take it out of context.

Most of the right these days are nothing but hypocritical corrupt individuals who care more about lining the pockets of their rich donors (and themselves) than actually helping out the people who vote for them. There is a reason why most of the uneducated / have low standards of living states in the US are Red states.

I mean look at the outrage they had at Albo proposing to give everyone $300 who gets fully vaccinated meanwhile the LNP are a okay with giving Mr Norman $22 million dollars in unearned Jobkeeper payments. Not to mention the sport rorts, the carpark rorts, Angus Taylor congratulating himself on facebook using the same profile that did the original post. Angus Taylor getting the investigation into his fake government document on Clover Moore dropped because Sco Mo is best buddies with the NSW police commissioner. Chris porter receiving donations from a private donor.

Let us not forget Mr Barnaby “Family Values” Joyce having an affair with one of his staff while he was still married. What is your opinion on the prayer room in PH being used for orgies?

Ah yes. I should turn a blind eye to obvious political corruption and instead pretend it doesn’t happen by going back to Church. Gotcha.


You are the one attacking other Christians for not agreeing with you.
Even though you yourself are very selective in what you are following and what you’re ignoring.

You aren’t even answering if you are aware that women can die because of their pregnancy and want to force every women to carry any child. No matter what. Even if the mother has to die, or if she is a victim.

If this was not the case, you would have answered and denied it.

That’s extremist and there shall be no ground given.

No. It disproves your take on the start of life (from a biblical view).
Also a interesting note is Numbers 5:11-22 (even 31).

11 Then the Lord said to Moses,
12 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘If a man’s wife goes astray(A) and is unfaithful to him
13 so that another man has sexual relations with her, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act),
14 and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure—or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure—
15 then he is to take his wife to the priest. He must also take an offering of a tenth of an ephah of barley flour on her behalf. He must not pour olive oil on it or put incense on it, because it is a grain offering for jealousy, a reminder-offering to draw attention to wrongdoing.

16 “‘The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the Lord.
17 Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water.
18 After the priest has had the woman stand before the Lord, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse.
19 Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you.
20 But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”
21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse “may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell.
22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

I bet your head would explode if you knew there are leftist Christians and they seem a lot closer to Jesus than the other side.
Of course you are allowed to attack them as “not true”. Right?

Fun fact in my home town even a church councilor is a leftist.


Me, Baal, Ren, Aki and Doness Lets you know…consider the struggles of those lesss fortunate and not make laws to their lives even more difficult

Thadeus be like Y’all left wing atheists in satans army trying to destroy me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Also the main difference with me and Aki compared to Thadeus is me and Aki are comfortable and in love with our beliefs, so personal attacks from people like Thadeus are humorous


The downside about you is your ego.

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That can be said for most of us here hun. Everyone’s ego gets in the way at times

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Bit OD when I’m including myself lol

I think anyone unironically identifying as an intellectual is like anyone self identifying unironically as a Saint, or a Genius (no, IQ isn’t real), or whatever.


You are not usually known for weird or bad takes but saying IQ is fake is a really weird take. It’s true IQ tests are more psudeoscience.

You don’t need to have a high IQ to become an intellectual. But I agree that word used to describe oneself on the internet is super cringey.

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Sometimes he is. The pentagon isn’t funding Activision to make Call Of Duty games, for example.