A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

I agree your writing on the matter is interesting. However, I quote only this part to keep it short. Keep in mind, even if anyone back in the day wanted to write a unbiased (or favorable) account, knowledge wasn’t as easy to get by as today and many things had to be reported on hear say etc. That’s important for all ancient sources.

Indians also. Sikhs have the Dardar and many other people their own versions.

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“Why does Blizzard rely on Orientalism rather than the actual cultures that Orientalism twists?” is the answer to Blizzard Racist Construction for 400 :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah the difference between Racist vs Not Racist comes down to presentation within the narrative (eg is it aesthetic or is it a performative caricature) and role within the narrative (eg good, evil, neutral) as well as a negotiation of Intent and Impact.


Materially incorrect lmao

Used by various groups, but it’s use in Orientalist depictions is due it’s use by the Ottomans, less by the Sikh use.


I believe you’re thinking of Sikhs. One of their requirements is to always wear a turban, among some other items, such as a ceremonial dagger and a special sash.


That’s not what I want from them.^^

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Turbans are also worn. For example, Shia Muslim clerics in Iraq, and in other places, wear black turbans, if they are Sayyids (descendants of the islamic prophet), or at least claimants. Non-Sayyids wear white turbans.

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Thanks hun. The name was eluding me for some reason


I also would’ve liked to see Thunderaan and his Air Elementals help the Uldum Accord against N’zoth. Basically a way of saying sorry for what Al’Akir and the Air Elementals did during Cata. But it will also serve as a callback to when the Elementals on Azeroth once fought against the Old Gods. We had Neptulon and his servants help us against Azshara because of what happened in Cata (Vashj’ir / Throne of the Tides). But I guess just like how Al’Akir never got a voice actor, blizzard just kinda forgot that Air Elementals are a thing.


Silphium was the name of the plant that the Roman’s made extinct because they were using it as natural birth control. Yeah, I think I was talking to Aki about this. Aki, if you are reading this - this is the plant that I told you I would look up and let you know.

They loved this form of birth control so much they put it on money and took “selfies” aka it was common for women to be depicted in paintings and mosaics with it. The Romans were no different from us in a lot of ways. With this plant they would create a Cyrenaic balm that would bring on menstration. Basically like the morning after pill or an “abortion tea”

The concept of abortion has been around longer than Christianity, and it was even accepted as a normal part of being sexually active in antiquity. The closest thing to it that still exists now is Queen Anne’s Lace, you could hypothetically make an abortion tea with wild plants that grow on the side of the highway because wild carrot is still considered an abortifacient. It’s said that if you eat the seeds of Queen Anne’s lace prior to ovulation, it can stop a fertilized egg from attaching and forming a placenta. This is a common birth control method used in places where modern birth control is unavailable.

Not that I encourage anyone to do that, I believe that abortions should be handled by medical professionals and using herbs falls under the category of unsafe abortions. Making abortions illegal won’t stop abortions from happening, it will increase the rates of infanticide. We have history as proof of that.

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The words are the same, it’s the numbering of verses that is different.

That’s verse 12 in the Good News Bible, and verse 11 in every other I’ve seen (including KJV.

That’s verse 10 of Psalm 22 in every other I’ve seen. The Good News Bible’s translation flub doesn’t disprove Bible.

God created Adam and Eve a different way as that was before sexual reproduction, so that doesn’t prove life doesn’t begin at conception.

I said the chance of a good life. Of growing up in a loving home. Tell me, what are the most common reasons women get abortions? I know, but I want to hear you say it.

You’re making a lot of baseless claims and accusations. Got any evidence?

That doesn’t contradict or refute what I was saying.

Can I start saying that to you?

You made the claim so the burden of proof is on you… or can I start using Micah’s saying; “Demanding proof on the internet as like demanding a cup of water when your standing in a river” when asked for proof?

Also, historical methods of abortion and abortion predating Christianity don’t prove the idea that life doesn’t begin at conception or that abortion isn’t infanticide. It proves different attitudes and methods among people.

Since BaalSamael posted info that refuted your “Christianity came from Mithraism” claim, I’ll leave that comment be for now.

The very first mention of the Catholic Church calling abortion a sin, was in the 2nd century in 100 AD, the document is Apocalypse of Peter where the prose described sins and their punishments, as follows, keep in mind this text is not complete.

  • Blasphemers are hanged by the tongue.
  • Women who “adorn” themselves for the purpose of adultery, are hung by the hair over a bubbling mire. The men who had adulterous relationships with them are hung by their feet, with their heads in the mire, next to them.
  • Murderers and those who give consent to murder are set in a pit of creeping things that torment them.
  • Men who take on the role of women in a sexual way, and lesbians, are “driven” up a great cliff by punishing angels, and are “cast off” to the bottom. Then they are forced up it, over and over again, ceaselessly, to their doom.
  • Women who have abortions are set in a lake formed from the blood and gore from all the other punishments, up to their necks. They are also tormented by the spirits of their unborn children, who shoot a “flash of fire” into their eyes. (Those unborn children are “delivered to a care-taking” angel by whom they are educated, and “made to grow up.”)
  • Those who lend money and demand “usury upon usury” stand up to their knees in a lake of foul matter and blood.

This is Peter’s Gospel, remember how I said Peter was revealed in the Nag Hammadi to be a raging misogynist according to Mark and Mathew? These were his beliefs that became canonized by the Council of Jesurselem. But these ideas were not shared by Jesus or his disciples. But this did become the foundation of the Catholic Church as we know it, and honestly this is why I reject the Church. Peter strongly believed in the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth punishment systems of the Old Testament, true followers of Jesus did not.

In my opinion this is Catholic extremism. Catholic Gnosticism is closer to the true faith of Jesus Christ.


I think Thadeus has put me on ignore or something. Most of my notifications from him from yesterday are gone.

I guess he didn’t like me pointing out his hypocrisy. Such as saying, “two wrongs don’t make a right”. Implying that only he can do the wrong.

It has always bothered me why some Christians stick to some of the laws and punishments of the Old Testament when most of the New Testament override those (hence why it is called the new testament). The Old testament is merely to provide historical backgrounds leading up to Jesus and the new testament.

They always cherry pick which laws they want to enforce from the Old Testament. Basically making the judgement that only those specific laws are important. The rest are worthless. Even though they all came from God. Clearly all of them are important. Basically these kinds of people are like the Jedi Council in the prequels. Too focused on upholding the dogma and traditions of the Jedi Order without noticing its flaws. The Jedi did basically hand over the “chosen one” to the Star Wars devil without even realizing it. And Sidious exploited this hubris and lack of adapting to change. The Sith learned patience, the one virtue the Jedi believed they would never learn. Given that the Sith tend to be controlled by their emotions.

The Catholic Church these days is more of an organization more so than an actual Church. Almost like they learned nothing from the Martin Luthor days.


I have found that American Christianity does cheery pick the Bible and does hang on these Old Testament eye for an eye tooth for a tooth scripture because not only does it reinforce this “fear of God” that leads to indoctrination, it also weaponizes worshippers against anyone who threatens being “Christian”

If anyone is wondering my source for the “Fight” between Mary Magdalene and Peter, it’s in the Gospel of Mary as follows, this takes place after Jesus has been crucified.

But they were grieved. They wept greatly, saying, “How shall we go to the gentiles and preach the gospel of the kingdom of the Son of Man? If they did not spare him, how will they spare us?” Then Mary stood up, greeted them all, and said to her brethren, “Do not weep and do not grieve nor be irresolute, for His grace will be entirely with you and will protect you. But rather let us praise His greatness, for He has prepared us and made us into men.” When Mary said this, she turned their hearts to the Good, and they began to discuss the words of the [Saviour].

Peter said to Mary, “Sister, we know that the Saviour loved you more than the rest of women. Tell us the words of the Saviour which you remember - which you know (but) we do not, nor have we heard them.” Mary answered and said, “What is hidden from you I will proclaim to you.” And she began to speak to them these words: “I,” she said, "I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to him, ‘Lord, I saw you today in a vision.’ He answered and said to me, ‘Blessed are you that you did not waver at the sight of me. For where the mind is, there is the treasure.’ I said to him, ‘Lord, how does he who sees the vision see it through the soul or through the spirit?’ The Saviour answered and said, ‘He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the mind which [is] between the two - that is [what] sees the vision…’

(the mid-section of the original text is missing)

"[S] it. And desire that, ‘I did not see you descending, but now I see you ascending. Why do you lie, since you belong to me?’ The soul answered and said, ‘I saw you. You did not see me nor recognise me. I served you as a garment, and you did not know me.’ When it had said this, it went away rejoicing greatly.

"Again it came to the third power, which is called ignorance. It (the power) questioned the soul saying, ‘Where are you going? In wickedness are you bound. But you are bound; do not judge!’ And the soul said, ‘Why do you judge me although I have not judged? I was bound though I have not bound. I was not recognised. But I have recognised that the All is being dissolved, both the earthly (things) and the heavenly’.

When the soul had overcome the third power, it went upwards and saw the fourth power, (which) took seven forms. The first form is darkness, the second desire, the third ignorance, the fourth is the excitement of death, the

fifth is the kingdom of the flesh, the sixth is the foolish wisdom of flesh, the seventh is the wrathful wisdom. These are the seven [powers] of wrath. They ask the soul, “Whence do you come, slayer of men, or where are you going, conqueror of space?” The soul answered and said, “What binds me has been slain, and what surrounds me has been overcome, and my desire has been ended and ignorance has died. In a [world] I was released from a world, [and] in a type from a heavenly type, and (from) the fetter of oblivion which is transient. From this time on will I attain to the rest of the time, of the season, of the aeon, in silence.”

When Mary had said this, she fell silent, since it was to this point that the Saviour had spoken with her. But Andrew answered and said to the brethren, “Say what you (wish to) say about what she has said. I at least do not believe that the Saviour said this. For certainly these teachings are strange ideas.” Peter answered and spoke concerning these same things. He questioned them about the Saviour: “Did He really speak with a woman without our knowledge (and) not openly? Are we to turn about and all listen to her? Did He prefer her to us?”

Then Mary wept and said to Peter, “My brother Peter, what do you think? Do you think that I thought this up myself in my heart, or that I am lying about the Saviour? Levi answered and said to Peter, "Peter, you have always been hot - tempered. Now I see you contending against the woman like the adversaries. But if the Saviour made her worthy, who are you indeed to reject her? Surely the Saviour knows her very well. That is why He loved her more than us. Rather let us be ashamed and put on the perfect man and acquire him for ourselves as He commanded us, and preach the gospel, not laying down any other rule or other law beyond what the Saviour said.” … and they began to go forth [to] proclaim and to preach.

From The Nag Hammadi Library in English, J M Robinson, Harper Collins


Which is funny because they also say that God is a loving God. If God is so loving, why do you constantly live in fear of him?

There is a big contrast to how God is in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Hell, in revelations, God is willing to accept those who were once non-believers but converted before the real meat of Revelations kicks in. The Blood Elf story in TBC is basically revelations with a mix of the gospels. A’dal is God (who welcomes the Blood elves with open arms to his city, despite the hostility of the Aldor), M’uru is Jesus, Kael’thas is the false prophet, Kil’jaeden is Satan, Velen is a combination of all of the past prophets etc etc. And is A’dal treated as a wrathful person who will smite you down because you dared disobeyed him on a very minor occurrence? No. That is what Xe’ra is for :stuck_out_tongue:

The mark of the beast in this case is Fel Magic. Only those who were fully committed to the Legion turned themselves into demons. While some of the Sunfury defected to either the Horde or to Shattrah following Kael’thas’ first defeat in Tempest Keep (as seen in the Lor’themar short story).


Part of the reason why I love this game is that we can make these allegories in the lore.


I’m kind of a big deal.


They didn’t add traditions, they stole them from a people who they systematically slaughtered, and culturally erased.

What flaws?

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Do you work for Blizzard?

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No. I thought about applying to work there a few times, but I never did. Mostly because I didn’t want to live in Cali. In hindsight, pretty glad I didn’t.

Edit: Also, given my field of expertise, if I did get a job there, it would be something financial, when really, I would be more interested in the creative departments. I like to think I am a decent writer and good worldbuilder, but I don’t have the credentials or experience to show for it.