A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Both of those are even trashier than fox. Never trust a news station that will lie to you because it doesn’t fit trumps agenda

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It got restored by the staff too.

You are missing important context. YOU brought that up in response to my claims of pagan persecution by Christians. YOU are the one using whataboutism tactics here.

My claims are not wrong. All the traditions of Yule are present in modern day Christmas. Before that, it was a Hellenistic festival serving a similar meaning to yule.

Easter is essentially the same thing. Some of these traditions you can trace back to Sumeria.

I suppose next you are going to tell me Dinosaur bones were placed here by God to test your faith.

That is a testament to your fragility, not a testament to my cruelty.

Bruh, you are literally doing that. That’s you.


It’s okay. I’ll just wait for the next awful thing you say.

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That guy looks like swole squidward.

At least that’s what I picture every time you post it.

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Here’s his real face.


Omg he’s called “gigachad” lol oh Aki. Anyone who refers to themselves as a chad is just a beta. Those are the rules I didn’t make em.

He still looks like handsome squidward tho, for real…

That’s the joke.


He’s Russian too… it’s probably Shernish.

Until I see Shernish and gigachad in the same place and same time I’m just going to assume that’s what all Russians look like.

A little racist, but alright.

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How is that racist?

It’s a joke.

Shernish better get here soon and settle this debate once and for all.

Maybe If I put my question in Russian I could maybe summon him.

Доброго времени суток, Шерныш.

Вы Гигачад, и называть русских красивыми - это расисты?

I consider myself a mestizo.

Is Gigachad the image that Akiyass showed? No, I’m not Gigachad.
Is it racist to call someone “beautiful”? Um … No? Perhaps it will offend the narcissists. This is hardly racism.


Yes, she showed gigachad. Also, I myself would never post my real face on here, like you did.

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You are not me, but I am a moron. Let the eternal light dance, the song of blood, the madman comes to us for dinner.

I scatter personal data left and right …

Have you been in a “cheerful” mood of fatigue? Eyes hurt, your brain is turned off, and the song is pouring from your lips, the consequences will be terrible - spit, dance until you hear a crunch …

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The existing of American “memes” on internet. Curious? There is no origin of the word Chad in Russia. Mda. Very interesting.

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There is a word “чадо”. Child.


  • Two villages and a train station.
  • Choking smoke. Marvelous.

You write beautiful morbid poetry Shernish.

It’s like hauntingly beautiful. Let me just reformat it for you.

Have you been in a “cheerful” mood of fatigue?
Eyes hurt,
your brain is turned off,
and the song is pouring from your lips,
the consequences will be terrible
until you hear a crunch

Ah yes chefs kiss that’s art.

Shern is one of those people you can’t help but like. I like him because I know he means well most of the time

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I do like Shern.

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Painful poetry? Obsessive beauty? What is it like?
Kiss the chef? This is the maximum “look and forget”.

All are worthy of dislike. Especially when they roughly (clumsily) attack you.

Nope, never cheerful.

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