A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Which is why I’m of the opinion that abortion should be left to the person who is pregnant to decide.

We have a legal window for abortions for a reason. It’s not like people change their minds when they’re on their third trimester and have fully decked-out nursery at home.


Imagine the grapefruits needed to argue with a mom raising a beautiful child on this subject matter….some people I swear

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In the U.S, I anticipate a possible overturning of Roe v. Wade, unfortunately.

The republican judges said they have no intention in touching it. Whether they keep their word is different matter

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Yeah, you’re right. I missed that, or maybe it was a long time ago. But, their inaction on the Texas law is concering.

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If Roe vs Wade gets overturned Canada will become a haven for American women. Abortion is still legal here. Mexico too, and Cuba. There’s a lot of avenues for women in USA to still get aportion on demand.

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That’s wonderful.

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I’m part of the ‘Auntie Network’ on Reddit helping scared young American women find resources to local abortion clinics and helping them financially or to arrange transportation.

If Roe vs Wade gets overturned there will be an underground railroad situation that helps women get the medical treatment they need. It’s already in place and working through Reddit.


I hadn’t heard of that. I don’t know what to tell you, besides that it’s super kind, what you’re doing.

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I just want people to be safe and not be scared, know they are supported. It’s absolutely terrifying. Lord knows I’ve prayed for my period a few times so I woudn’t be pregnant when I wasn’t ready.

It’s a shared female experience.


People like thaedus don’t grasp or understand how heart wrenching it is for women who choose to get an abortion. And with the stigma attached to it, with women being seen as either broken or using it as a means of birth control and yes I’ve seen this argument used by right wingers, it’s heartbreaking. We should be more supportive to women and not seeking to control their bodies.


Funny enough there isn’t only not really any free will in the Bible, there are stories where god actively took the free will away from people. Like from pharaoh… you know that pharaoh, the one without a name (curious right). Well he wanted to allow Moses to go free, but he was forced on multiple occasions to do otherwise.

Logic? Well if you say so.

No. None. You are ignoring your own religion on the matter though.


Just for giggles

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Wow, this got unflagged? I’ve been suspended for less.


Yeah there’s no consistency with forum mods. It’s a bit of a joke.

Have you actually spoken to one? You will report serious CoC infractions and they will be like “use the flagging tool” and when you flag things they do nothing.

You are right that comment breaks one of the CoC guildlines, allusions to a lewd sexual act, or body part, at the very least should be removed.

No one is allowed to talk to Baal like that.
Insert clip from Joe Dirt " Hey! You’re talking to my guy all wrong"


I never spoke to any of them, but one did edit my post for using the r-word that rhymes with “tape.”

She complaind that her posts got flagged all the time. This one isn’t surprising. I didn’t even flag her myself. I was out of flags. I think she has me on ignore. No loss.

You told me that Reddit is a far right website.

Generally it is but it does have left leaning spaces.

It is, and so are the WoW Forums. But, it is sometimes worth it.


Far Right people scare me, not sure if it’s because they believe everything Fox News tells them or it’s because they will physically or verbally attack you for having a different opinion. It’s probably both when I think about it


I think they moved to Newsmax and OANN now, because Fox News was too liberal.