A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

I meant it was ironic that you complained about Alliance players when your avatar is an Alliance PC.

I have no problem with you playing a worgen. Before I saw your character text, I also thought your character was also a Death Knight given those blue eyes.

That’s how I feel everytime he goes off on one of his “x is edgelord”
He’s one of the biggest edgelords here. Only he’s an edgelord for Jesus.


Anyone who knows me and is friends with me on here, knows I’m alliance ONLY because the Worgen are. I HATE the alliance with a passion. Only two cool races are worgen and draenei

It’s just…like weird because he has no problem judging others, which is against his religion (Sinners throwing the first stone and all that) but you do it to him and he gets pissy

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Worgen and Draenei are cool (my second most used PC is a Draenei). How do you feel about Night Elves?

Abortion’s a bit of a hot button topic for me, that’s how it all began. I did warn that it’s something I was willing to debate, but the others started bringing religion into the discussion later and things snowballed from there. I try to follow God, sometimes I fail, and two wrongs don’t make a right.

You should bite the humility bullet and apologize to the people here you’ve wronged.


Last thing on that subject. Her body, her decision. It shouldn’t even be a debate, because it’s not anyone else’s decision to be making


But it’s not about her body, it’s about the baby’s body/babies’ bodies.

By your logic, them, and you, also owe me an apology. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Her body, her decision. Us men don’t get to have a say in what a woman can or cannot do with her own body. End of discussion. A clump of cells at six weeks is not a child btw.


I did say for an instance where I didn’t redirect the questions back at you. You failed that task.

You do it all the time though. You have done it to me on nearly every single one of your posts. So no, I am not singling out one instance and only that instance. Are you actually reading my posts? because it feels like you aren’t.

More like you are trying to save face.

You continue to be judgmental towards me by constantly questioning my beliefs because I don’t subscribe to your brand on Christianity. Admitting it then continuing to do it doesn’t make it better. It makes it worse. The fact that you have failed to realize that is very alarming.

No. You claim you read everything I say. So you should’ve found it by now.

Wouldn’t you be if some random on the internet was constantly implying that you were not a “real Christian” because you don’t follow the crowd on what is right and wrong? Even when you have asked them to stop doing it they continue to do it? Because that is what you were doing to me. Besides, those edits were mostly typo fix ups or adding extra bits on.

I mean it is honestly hypocritical of you to attack me and my personal faith while whining that I am not defending you from the “non-believers”. Do you not see the irony in that? Rules for thee but not for me indeed.

And yet you still do it to other posters. And you have stopped doing it to me since I called you out on it and how it makes you look to other people.

No it is not putting words in your mouth when you were constantly nagging me to basically defend your honour from these non-believers!!!

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I’m surprised this one lasted the night without being flagged.


I said baby in that comment. At six weeks, the baby has a heartbeat, their eyes, ears, nostrils, tongue, vocal cords and limbs are starting to form (you can see images of it on the website BabyCenter-dot-com - I can’t post links). Does that look or sound like “a clump of cells”?

We’re on opposite sides of this issue. You’re not going to change my mind, and I don’t think I’m going to change yours, so let’s just agree to disagree or we’ll be going in circles.

I’m tired and need to get ready for work and I honestly don’t have the energy to go in circles again on this subject, so yes, let’s just move on.

At 6 weeks the zygote is the size of a pea and it looks like a tadpole. it’s not a “baby” it’s a embryonic egg with a head “bulge” and a tail.

I’m starting to think you know zero facts about pregnancy.


Whether you redirected a questions at me or not doesn’t matter, you still did.

I was referring to you quote-mining a comment where I was standing up for someone else and turning that into an attack on me, and you know it.


Me being judgmental towards you doesn’t give you a license to do the same to me as you are. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Not even as a courtesy given how I gave you those book names?

I’m not implying you’re not a real Christian, but you refuse to believe me when I say that, so I don’t think I can do anything about that.

You entered this thread siding against me, I questioned you a few comments later, including due to being pro-choice. That’s not “rules for thee, but not for me”. But I think we both owe each other apologies at this point.

With good reason at times.

Asking why you sided with non-Christians against me isn’t wondering why people don’t like me.

At six weeks, the baby has a heartbeat, their eyes, ears, nostrils, tongue, vocal cords and limbs are starting to form (you can see images of it on the website BabyCenter-dot-com - I can’t post links). Does that look or sound like “a embryonic egg with a head “bulge” and a tail”?

We’re on opposite sides of this issue. You’re not going to change my mind, and I don’t think I’m going to change yours, so let’s just agree to disagree or we’ll be going in circles.

I’d think you didn’t know anything about pregnancy… except you’re a mother, and I’m familiar with your history of lying on these forums.

There is a lot of (intentional) misinformation in pro-life circles about embryonic development.

Not dunking on Thad or Christions or anyone, just pointing out.


True, and there is also (intentional) misinformation in pro-choice circles about embryonic development.

I don’t think BabyCenter-dot-com is a pro-life website. I also saw similar on the websites WebMD and MedLinePlus (can’t post links here); I researched this subject awhile ago.

Jesus christ get your head out of your own… anyone can goggle “what does a 6 week old fetus look like?” and see that I’m right.


What you are describing as a baby is an 18-24 week old fetus (4 months gestation!!) Which is out of the window for abortion. Abortions happen up to 11 weeks (less than 2 months) after 11 weeks the zygote is too developed. Abortion has already been debated by scientists and ethics councils and set limits. Those fetuses you described are not getting aborted (unless it’s medically required, which is rare) most women find out they are pregnant within 4-6 week (2-4 weeks genstational age) because that’s how long our mentral cycles are and we track pregnancy by missed period, which means the first two weeks of pregnancy count ovulation which means no baby just a released egg floating down the fallopian tubes before it encounters the male DNA ingredient.

So the window for abortion realistically is 6-8 weeks (2-6 week gestational age.). It’s a slightly developed egg at that point. It’s a high risk for miscarriage at this stage too so women are told not to announce pregnancy until the 19 week check in ultrasound, when the technician confirms the placenta has formed a strong attachment to the lining of the uterus.

In the age of information and access to unlimited knowledge via the internet there is no excuse for ignorance. Am I grossing you all out yet with talk of women’s biological function? I have to live in it. Friendly reminder, I am a woman who has experienced two full term pregnancies.