A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

No, what I said was, quote;

I can see how the misunderstanding occurred, but I was specifically referring to you joining the mockery of Christians (those people in this thread who mocked me have done it over more than my faith).

Our replies have been getting pretty wordy, so it’s hard to keep track of it among all that text. I just want clarification.

While you don’t know how I’ve interacted with every Christian who doesn’t share my personal beliefs, I can see why you’d have that idea on this thread.

That’s not me questioning you as a Christian for not going to church, that’s you jumping to conclusions and refusing to believe what I say. You don’t know me. I’m a direct person. If I wanted to call you a false Christian, I’d do it outright.

Why should I waste time trying to convince you if you’ve made up your mind not to trust my words?

And when was the last time they ever sighted something as prejudice or phobic of Pagans? Christians are not any more persecuted than anyone else. Significantly less than anyone else. So get over it.

Yeah, you’re full of it. Those are Pagan traditions whitewashed by Christians. No serious historian contends with that idea.

If you think “I don’t like your religion” is an attack, you’re weak.

Suck a fat one. Being fresh out of Uni doesn’t make you an expert on anything.


Drop the whataboutism, please.

Citation needed. For one, name some actual historians and your sources.

There’s a difference between not liking a religion and mocking it and the people who follow it… and you know that.

How dare you speak to Baalsamael that way! Especially if you know his life story. I may have butted heads with him on past issues, but I would never stoop that low. You talked up “personal integrity” but this latest comment is telling.

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I think you are getting a bit too personal on this. You are basically saying it is wrong to mock Christians only because they are Christians even when the source of the mocking has NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR RELIGION. If someone like Scott Morrison was a jew, a Buddhist, Hindi, Muslim etc, I would still mock the man because he is a horrible person. I mean what kind of leader goes on a Holiday during a national crisis such as the WORST BUSHFIRES IN AUSTRALIAN HISTORY. Then lie about coming home, forces people to shake his hands and says, “I don’t hold a hose mate”. Only to then play politics and give marginal and LNP safe seats priority over the relief money. People are mocking him because of his actions, not because of his faith. So stop painting it like it is and finding fake outrage in something that is non-existent.

Then don’t make a claim that you have read everything I have said and have replied to everything I said. And don’t add to that “you know I have and are intentionally not acknowledging it”.

You do know that Humans tend to draw conclusions based on patterns right? Every single time you have questioned me as a Christian because I am pro-choice, I don’t go to Church. I don’t defend you 24/7 from others who are “mocking you”. Asking me how long have I being a Christian etc etc. So yeah, it is totally me jumping to conclusions. It has nothing to do with you constantly questioning whether I am a Christian or not. No No. Nothing at all.

Idk, maybe it has to do with you constantly saying, “I have replied to everything you said and you know it” only to be called out on it. Then try and move the goal posts by saying it was a humble mistake that only happened once.

There is also a difference between mocking someone based on their actions / words and what faith they subscribe to… and you know that.



It’s not even about being an expert.

Assuming global Christianity, or the majority of the Christianity, looks like English/German/US Christianity is just profoundly, fundamentally incorrect.

It’s like if I were outraged y’all don’t kill a pig and stuff him with rice, peas, and pulled pork for Christmas.

Or if to mark the Christmas season, that y’all didn’t cover the windowsills and entrances of your house with multi colored candles while reciting a Hail Mary.

The history of Christianity, in how it came to be, the Pentarchy Imperial Symphony period, the subsequent Schisms, the role Nestorian Christians had in early Islam (hell, in the existence of Islam, as it is universally accepted Hadith that Khadija’s priest cousin said the angel was real), during the colonial and modern periods, is complicated.

But the incoherent rhetoric of “early Christians stole from German pagans for Easter” is not only anachronistic, geographically impossible, and dumb, but also just a lazy meme being regurgitated annually every spring.

Almost as bad as “Easter comes from Ishtar”, as if somehow Ancient Germanic Tribes borrowed from Ancient Sumerian religions and somehow Jews and Christians stole from Germans at the same time lmao

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You know, for someone who says, “citation needed”, it is funny when you basically told me to “look it up yourself” at one point when I basically asked for “citations” on a certain topic during one of our “discussions”.

You didn’t even provide examples of said books. Like seriously, get off your high horse.


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Are you kidding me? You’re the one claiming there is some big conspiracy that the most popular and widespread faith in the Western World is being targeted. When I point out what -real- persecution looks like, you call it whataboutism? Get over yourself.

Christmas is literally Yule. Easter is a collage of Pagan festivals from all around the world. You are making the claim that these known pagan holidays have Christian Origins, which is a fundamentally untrue. You cite your sources, my dude. You are the one making BS claims here that is completely unsubstantiated.

I never mocked you, but I can. Is that what you want?

He has never been kind to me, I have no intention of being civil with those who refuse to be such with me.

Integrity doesn’t demand that I sugar coat my words for the sake of those who are intent on being my enemies. I am not a Christian, don’t expect me to be meek.


The personal mocking of me is part of the mockery. I never thought you were mocking Scott because he’s a Christian, and you know it. You’re either lying or too proud to admit you were wrong.

I was calling you out for mocking a fellow Christian for something that’s not wrongdoing (soiling yourself isn’t a sin or a crime), and your mockery would still be bad if he wasn’t Christian. Horrible person or not, I wouldn’t mock someone I despise for soiling themselves.

Alright, I won’t make that claim. Now will you please repeat your criteria?

And people can draw wrong conclusions based on patterns. And I never said defend me 24/7 from others, once again you’re putting words in my mouth because you’re insulted that I “dared” question your faith. You’ve questioned my faith too, but I haven’t blown up at you over that.

Calm down, because I think your hurt feelings over me questioning your faith are clouding your judgement.

I said I made a mistake but not that it happened once. Admitting a mistake is not “moving the goalposts”.

There is a difference, but I’ve been mocked for both.

I wasn’t talking to you there, but since you brought it up… would you have looked up any book I named, or would you have disregarded it or doubted the source because I’m the one who suggested it to you? I’ll give you a chance. Here’s a few of them;

  • Bible Handbook of Difficult Verses: A Complete Guide to Answering the Tough Questions - by Josh McDowell
  • Evidence that Demands a Verdict - by Josh McDowell
  • The 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity - by Alex McFarland

Because I didn’t think you’d believe me. But check the list above for a few of them.

The fact remains that I gave an example of Christians treated unfairly by Western media, and you tried to shift the focus.

  • The notion that Christmas is literally Yule is profoundly, fundamentally incorrect. For one, Yule is an indigenous Germanic festival that last about two months according to the English historian Bede. The earliest known Christmas celebration took place in Rome in AD 366, according to the Chronograph of 354 written by Furius Dionysius Filocalus, and was only for one day. Apart from that one in Rome, In the East, the birth of Jesus was celebrated in connection with the Epiphany on January 6. The feast was introduced in Constantinople in 379, in Antioch by John Chrysostom towards the end of the fourth century, probably in 388, and in Alexandria in the following century.

  • You’re almost right, but are still completely wrong about Easter. Easter, also called Pascha (Aramaic, Greek, Latin), Zatik (Armenian) or Resurrection Sunday is a Christian festival and cultural holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The first Christians, Jewish and Gentile, were certainly aware of the Hebrew calendar. Jewish Christians, the first to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, timed the observance in relation to Passover. Direct evidence for a more fully formed Christian festival of Pascha (Easter) begins to appear in the mid-2nd century. Perhaps the earliest extant primary source referring to Easter is a mid-2nd-century Paschal homily attributed to Melito of Sardis, which characterizes the celebration as a well-established one. That’s not Pagan; at worst a few later elements only were pagan (the name, Easter Eggs, the Easter bunny) but not the holiday itself.

And that’s just scratching the surface of how wrong your claims are. I never said that pagan holidays have Christian origins, I said Christian holidays aren’t stolen Pagan holidays; sounds like you’re attacking a strawman.

You already have repeatedly.

Integrity does mean you not misrepresent your opponent’s claims, making mean-spirited personal attacks or vulgar remarks like telling them to suck on certain body parts.

And yet you decided to list him in the list of “Christians you are okay with being mocked”. Drawing attention to him being a Christian. Even though I have repeatedly said that I mock him NOT BECAUSE OF HIS FAITH. So stop bringing it into the conversation like it actually matters.

Actually soiling yourself is a sin. Did you even read the bible verses I quoted a few posts ago about that very topic? Besides, why does something have to be a sin or a crime in order to be mocked or people taking the piss out of it? I thought taking the piss out of silly things is what Aussies like to do. Soiling himself is a silly thing to do.

No. Look it up yourself.

Right… That is why you always keep bringing it up along with the other things. Also when have I actually directly questioned your faith that wasn’t be saying, “since you are doing it to me, I can do it to you”. You are the one who stated this whole thing. And even after I have answered your questions, you STILL repeatedly question me because you are too lazy to read what I wrote even though you keep saying that you read EVERYTHING I type. Maybe that is why I have “blown up about it”. Since you keep probing me, waiting for me to slip up. While ignoring most of what I say and taking the rest out of context.

That is rich coming from Mr “everything I don’t like is a personal attack on me”.

It is when you try and frame it as an innocent mistake while saying that I should know better every single time. So clearly you were wrong about that part as well. Since you had to acknowledge that you…were…wrong!

Maybe, maybe not. But it is polite to at least list some sources instead of saying, “look it up yourself” while demanding citations from everyone else.

Also stop saying, “and you know that”. Clearly people don’t if you have to repeat it all the time. It also makes you look entitled and that only your opinion matters. While also making you look arrogant and a douchebag. And yet you wonder why people do not like you. Just saying.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This is rich coming from the guy who thinks only his opinion matters by always saying, “and you know that” when people have a different opinion on certain things or interpretations.

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Who the hell are you to judge thier commitment and faith in God?

Thier conduct is between them and God.

A true Christian knows this.

All you have been doing is judging everyone else’s faith, then act like you are the one being attacked. You pretty much insinuated paganism evil. You should apologize to Denona and Akiyass.


While I now understand why you reached the conclusion you did, this conclusion is wrong for reasons I already explained.

In that case you’re being unforgiving and judgmental, two traits that a lot of non-Christians hold against us. While I admit I’ve also been judgmental at times, two wrongs don’t make a right.

Would you at least narrow it down to a reply?

Questioning my faith was implied when I asked if you believed in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and you said you could throw the same questions back at me.

If you want to admonish me as a brother in Christ, name-calling is not the way to do it. And that doesn’t mean I’m wrong about how you felt about those questions (I think the amount of times you’ve edited your latest comment indicates how emotionally charged you are here).

Me acknowledging my mistakes, and pointing out things I think you should know better since you seem smart, usually referred to separate things.

And now I have given you names of a few books. Will you do anything about it?

I have to repeat myself for other reasons too, including people lying by playing dumb. And I didn’t say anything about people liking me (again, you put words in my mouth), so there was no need to bring that up.

I was speaking to, and standing up for, someone else when I said that… and you still try to twist it into an attack against me. That’s just sad.

I don’t follow your god though……

I know, I meant you have a better understanding of what my God is like than you realize.

Oh. Okay than

And what race I play has zero to do with how the PEOPLE behind these avatars act. Most of the toxic idiots are all alliance, with a few horde posters thrown in there

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Very true. It was just amusingly ironic to me.

Ironic? That word doesnt mean what you think it does. There’s nothing ironic about me playing a worgen


He’s sitting there playing a Death Knight and judging you for playing a worgen… Thadeus, Ladies and Gentleman.

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Talk about ironic huh? :wolf: :heart: