A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Except that everything we do is predetermined since God knows exactly what we will do and when we will do it. So do we really have free will when everything we do is already set for us regardless of any actions we take?

I’m just merely pointing out some of the inconsistences like you told me to.

Questioning the Bible is not “non-Christian”. I mean, who gave YOU the right to determine what is “Christian” and what isn’t? After all, the new testament basically says that a Christian is someone who believes in Christ. There is no set way to do and achieve that. Next you will say it is very anti-Christian of me that I no longer go to Church. As for your “how long have you bring a Christian” since you will harass me non stop if I don’t answer it. I was born into a Christian family and went to a decently progressive Christian school.

Couldn’t respond to my last comment to you? How telling.

So Christians today are to blame for the actions of Christians who died centuries ago? That doesn’t sound like an excuse for bigotry at all lol. Or would you have liked it better if the Christian Saxons just let the Vikings raid and pillage them with impunity?

A lot of people who adopt paganism today aren’t doing it because they love or believe in paganism, they’re doing it because they hate the Abrahamic faiths and want to spite people who believe in them (given how you and others treated me here…) How much do you know about paganism? It’s not all Haruspication and human sacrifice… but it’s not all feel good vibes and dancing under the moon either.

Are you in Sri Lanka?

Nah, I didn’t so. Calm down, man. You’re not a victim.

Nah, but it doesn’t change the fact that it happened. Do you celebrate Easter? Do you celebrate Christmas? Those are Pagan festivals that past Christians stole and whitewashed, and now the vast majority of Christians perpetuate by celebrating them under false context.

Bruh, I haven’t said anything to you until you came at me for what -I- believe in. If that is how you want to kick off this conversation, then yeah, I am not going to be nice to you.

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Anyone else notice that I have not received any spite even though I’m a Christian as well? Except from Thadeus who questions me being a Christian left right and center because I don’t follow his personal beliefs. I guess some people don’t like it when others try to force their religious beliefs on them. Which is more or less the original argument that this whole “Christian” conversation started on. Right wing Christians designing anti-abortion policy using their religious beliefs for the basis of it. Even though religion was meant to stay out of modern politics.

I mean the right wing media here in Australia slandered Julia Gillard several times because she wasn’t a Christian. On top of being an unmarried women etc etc. Calling her a witch (which Tony Abbott 100% supported btw). How very Christian of him to call Julia a witch. Does make you wonder why certain people don’t like Christians that much.

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Yes. God is all knowing so he’s already factored our choices into His Plan (including the ones we haven’t made yet). Also, I said a lot more in that comment, why are you only responding to two lines of what I said?

I said that blaming God for our decisions is an un-Christian thing to do, it’s not wrong to ask questions about the Bible. What I said was not accusing you of not being Christian and you know it. While you not going to church anymore doesn’t mean you’re not Christian, it’s not a good thing for a Christian to do.

except that you basically assumed that by asking questions, you believed that I was blaming God.

That is what you said.

idk, considering you keep questioning whether I am a Christian or not does lead me to believe that you honestly think I am not because I don’t follow exactly what YOU believe in. You can spin around this all you want. That is what I am interpreting and what other posters will most likely as well.

That actually reinforces my point. You do know that right? The Bible says we have free will (implying that we can make choices that differ from Gods set path), however the Bible also says that God knows every choice we ever make, therefore he knows the outcome of the choices we make. Hence those decisions are part of his path for us. So do we really have freedom over our own actions? No.

Kinda rich coming from someone who continues to cherry pick what lines he responds to as well.

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Engadine Maccas '97, never forget

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What is your criteria for what makes a person a Christian?

If I was mistaken, please tell me, what were you hoping to accomplish by asking the question “If God appointed the governments, and the governments are doing Gods will, if we feel what they are doing is evil, doesn’t that make God evil as well?”?

Your conduct has made me suspicious, but I’m not certain so I’ve given the benefit of the doubt. There are such things as counterfeit Christians (including Cultural Christians - to explain, Richard Dawkins, the atheist who built a career and social movement around attacking gods and religion - is a cultural Christian).

No it doesn’t reinforce your point. The plan already accounts for the choices we haven’t made yet, that doesn’t mean we don’t have a choice.

I’ve been responding to your entire comments ever since you first said that and you know it. As to why they haven’t been targeting you like they have me, it’s because your views line up more with theirs.

It was wrong for Julia Gilard to get slandered for not being a Christian… just as it’s equally wrong for NSW’s new premier Dominic Perrottet to get slandered by left wing and right wing media because he’s a Catholic. Trying to paint him as an anti-vaxxer.

The point was what exactly is evil? Where the line between something being good and something being evil. That is something that you completely missed so it is understandable why you completely took what I said out of context.

Because I don’t do exactly what you do I’m sure.

X to doubt.

Except that we don’t have a choice if the outcome has been predetermined. What part of that do you continue to fail to understand?

No you haven’t. You completely ignored my “but what exactly is evil” comment (which is funny since you included it on your “quote”). Which was the very first part of this section. Which is why you completely took what I said out of context.

So don’t you dare give me that BS son.

I notice that you didn’t say it was wrong for her to get slandered for being an unmarried women in a position of power. Which I also included in that part of that post. So once again,

Is a complete lie.

As long as you don’t try to inflict your religion on me by use of law, I don’t really care what faith or creed, or lack of either you practise.

One minute you accuse me of missing something, the next you accuse me of lying.

Apart from that, thank you for pointing out the two comments I missed and I apologize for missing them. Any slander is wrong, for slander is lies, so slandering Gilard for being an unmarried woman in a position of power is also wrong.

As for your question of “what is evil?” That is a long answer. The short version is that evil is a lack of goodness. Moral evil is not a physical thing; it is a lack or privation of a good thing. As Christian philosopher J. P. Moreland has noted, “Evil is a lack of goodness. It is goodness spoiled. You can have good without evil, but you cannot have evil without good.”

God is not the author of moral evil; rather, it is His holiness that defines it. Created in God’s image, we bear the responsibility to make moral choices that please God and conform to His will. He wills our sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4:3) and does not wish us to sin (James 1:13). In repentance and faith in Christ, we have forgiveness of sin and a reversal of the moral evil within us (Acts 3:19). As God’s children, we walk according to this command: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).

Not exactly what I do, but comparing your behavior to what God requires of us in His word, seeing you not only letting fellow Christians get mocked by non-Christians but joining in on the mockery (including liking that comment referring to Scott Morrison soiling himself). Also, nothing to say about the slander Dominic Perrottet has been getting?

The feelings mutual, but we could be completely wrong about each other.

We do have a choice when the outcome is based on our choices by all-knowing God. Or do you think God is not all-knowing?

A just point. And I have now addressed that and answered the question.

I made a mistake, I did not like. Your sentence here brings to mind Colossians 3:8 “But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.”)

As I said above in this comment, it was mistake, not a lie. Any slander is wrong, for slander is lies, so slandering Gilard for being an unmarried woman in a position of power is also wrong.

A mistake, not a lie. Also, nothing to say about the slander Dominic Perrottet has been getting? Or are fellow Christians with different political views from yours lower in your eyes? (Given how quick you were to defend Gilard and how quick you were to have a laugh at Morrison’s expense).

When you make the claim that you have addressed everything and keep saying, “you know i’m right”, it lying when you are caught not actually doing that.

And what exactly is good? As you said, the bible permitted slavery and hardly ever condones it. Instead creating rules that slaves have to obey. Yet by todays standards, it is collectively agreed upon that something like slavery is evil. Are you saying that slavery is inherently good because God allows it?

How exactly is making fun of Scott Morrison soiling himself mocking him for being a Christian?

Most of that is him trying to influence his beliefs on policy. Which is something he shouldn’t be doing anyway. I noticed that you failed to comment on how most of the bad rap Christians have been getting over the last few years is because of right liners designing policy around what they believe in, thus enforcing their beliefs on others. Which is kinda funny as these same people rile up hatred towards Muslims saying they want to “enforce Sharia Law” when they are basically doing the Christian version of it anyway.

He finally figured it out. Well sort of.

Seriously can you stop with the obvious BS. You are not fooling anyone. You said and I quote,

That is a lie. Not a mistake. You don’t make a comment like, “and you know it” then claim it was a simple mistake.

I am only going to say this once and I do not mean to offend but it is people like you who give Christians a bad reputation. Constantly trying to force your individual beliefs on others. Questioning other Christians who are more liberal in their beliefs (like me). Playing the victim when someone criticizes you, treating it as a personal attack. Even saying that making fun of someone soiling themselves = mocking them on their faith and faith alone. Then you make up absolute statements, including that others know that you are correct only to turn around and say, “sorry, I was mistaken” when it was an obvious lie to even state something like that. Hell, Romans 13:1 says to respect the governing bodies yet clearly you do not when it comes to things like Abortion. If the governing body rules that it is within the law, you should respect it. Yet you don’t. Not once have I directly questioned you as a Christian. The Bible (mainly the new testament) encourages us to worship God and his son our own way. That was the whole point of Jesus dying on the cross. So we no longer have to go to a “holy site” like a Church to pray / communicate with God. We no longer have to slaughter a lamb to repent for our sins. There is no longer a middle man (or place) between us and God. Yet you dare question me as a Christian because I no longer go to Church.

I even mentioned that there is a verse in the bible that makes it a sin to remove your bodily wastes in your home as your home is also Gods temple.

“You must have a designated area outside the camp where you can go to relieve yourself. Each of you must have a spade as part of your equipment. Whenever you relieve yourself, dig a hole with the spade and cover the excrement. The camp must be holy, for the Lord your God moves around in your camp…” - Deuteronomy 23:12-14

Clearly we do not go out and dig a hole to poop or pee in these days. So we do not follow everything God commands us to do. Hence why we cherry pick what verses to follow and which ones to disobey or ignore. Which is why it is hypocritical for Christians who are pro-birth (like you) to call Christians who are pro-choice “heretics” or something along those lines.

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For the people of these forums, whether they are Christian or not… if you have a go on these forums, you will get a go. There is a fair go for those who have a go. We have come to have a go and we will get a fair go.


With the amount of times you said the word “go” I wonder if you are Scott Morrison.

I’d apologize for my mistake but I don’t think you’d believe me, so why bother?

You know there’s an easy way around the Biblical rules for slavery. Don’t have slavery. The Bible doesn’t require us to have slavery, it does say how we’re to about it IF there is slavery.

What is “good”? The Bible declares, “No one is good but God alone” (Luke 18:19). Good is grounded in the very nature of God and what He wills is good because He is good. Just as many things can have “being” (or life), but there can only be one thing that actually is Being (or life), the concept of good works the same way. Many things may have some good in them, but there can only be one thing that is good. And this good God invites everyone to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8).

How do you define good?

Asking if slavery is inherently good because God allows it; a loaded question, if I ever saw one.

Another crucial point is that the purpose of the Bible is to point the way to salvation, not to reform society. The Bible often approaches issues from the inside out. If a person experiences the love, mercy, and grace of God by receiving His salvation, God will reform his soul, changing the way he thinks and acts. A person who has experienced God’s gift of salvation and freedom from the slavery of sin, as God reforms his soul, will realize that enslaving another human being is wrong. He will see, with Paul, that a slave can be “a brother in the Lord” (Philemon 1:16). A person who has truly experienced God’s grace will in turn be gracious towards others. That would be the Bible’s prescription for ending slavery.

I never said it was mocking him for being a Christian, but I can see why you misunderstood me. I brought up making fun of Morrison’s “accident” to point to you being quick to mock a fellow Christian. I never said or suggested you were mocking him for being Christian.

You almost admitted that Dominic Perrottet has been copping slander… but got more caught up complaining about right-wing Christians. While you had a valid point about the “right liners”, the fact remains Perrottet has been getting slandered too. Do you oppose that?

If I’ve “sort of” figured it out, care to explain the rest of what you meant?

So what do you want from me?

You are right about the criticism part, and I am aware that forceful Christians have given us a bad reputation (there’s people out there worse than me, if I can be called forceful). I wasn’t saying “making fun of someone soiling themselves = mocking them on their faith and faith alone” you either misunderstood me or you’re putting words in my mouth. The rules of God > rules of government, and I don’t agree with you that every rule the government makes it what God wants since they clearly go against His word at times.

Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins and reconcile us to God. I didn’t question you as a Christian because you don’t go to church; either you once again misunderstood me or you’re putting words in my mouth. When I said your conduct, I didn’t mean you not going to church. I even said earlier, quote;

By the way, you didn’t answer my question; What is your criteria for what makes a person a Christian?

Except you were. Including him and that event as part of your “Christians who were mocked for their beliefs” list.

I have already gave you an answer. Not my fault you are too blind to see it. I thought with you replying to everything I say you would’ve noticed it by now.

To not lie through your teeth and to stop second guessing every Christian who doesn’t subscribe to your personal beliefs.

You did. You basically said not going to Church is not a good thing. And with the mix of other things you say, “a bad Christian will do” will draw someone to that conclusion. You don’t have to directly say something to say something.

I cited Western news outlets refusal to identify the Sri Lanka Easter Bombings as an anti-Christian attack (despite the attack happening on Easter and focusing on churches hold Easter services) as one of many pieces of proof of Western media’s anti-Christian prejudice. Though your attitude towards Christians does a disservice to them and the victims of the Sutherland Springs Chruch shooting.

Celebrating and commemorating Jesus’ birth and death (plus His resurrection) pre-dates Christians contact with those cultures. And when the integration of pagan aspects into Christian holidays, or the repurposing of pagan holidays, happened, it was also done as a compromise for peace more than “stealing”. Doesn’t justify it, but it’s not always the act of hate you claim it was.

Fair point, though that was about abortion, iirc you were the one who turned things into an attack on religious beliefs.

Just going to point out that Christian practicing of “Easter” is actually “Paschal/Pascua/etc” in every other language outside of Germanic languages and English (i.e. Romance languages, Hellenic languages, etc)

Because contrary to Akiyass’s horrible histories, early Christians were Jewish. The separation of identity of Christians as Not Jewish began in the Council of Jerusalem (ie accepting of Paul’s teachings) and was “finalized” in the 2nd/3rd centuries via the separation of Tanakh and the Bible.

e.g. Joseph ben Sirach’s writings are split; half are Christian canon and heretical to Jews, half are Jewish canon and heretical to Christians

Holy Week is Passover, it is why the dates always line up without exception.

And some of us do not have finding Easter eggs or weird giant rabbits as part of Easter because we have zero Germanic cultural influence.

Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of the Christian world is not, in fact, Anglo-Germanic.


I’m pretty far from a macho college brat boy, but I know that I was one of the ones suggesting that. That, or being allowed to personally feed her into a woodchipper. I’m not going to say sorry for saying it, because I can tell the difference between fictional and real people. My feelings towards any fictional undead female elves who have attempted genocide and are trying to destroy the afterlife simply so she can dodge being held to any personal responsibility for her actions =/= my feelings towards any real human women, living or dead. Besides, I have never, EVER felt much sympathy or interest in the Forsaken or Sylvanas, and it went straight into full blow loathing with BFA.

Injustices committed against you don’t make you sympathetic when all you do it use them as an excuse to commit injustices against others.

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