A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Happy Early Birthday Baal <3 We love you.


Gas here has gone up a bit, similar to yours. Are you a British babe?

Apparently, gas prices are spiking due to an energy crisis and also because oil rigs were heavily impacted by Covid, and we have to pay more to get them back on their feet. It’s not just a North America thing. UK is high too. I’m so over this pandemic.


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Oh yeah, you mentioned that before, I forgot

It’s funny seeing you talk about personal integrity and then using mockery and stereotyping against people and religions you don’t agree with. You don’t see me stereotyping pagans as people sacrificing each other to Baal, Moloch or Odin (despite even the Vikings practicing human sacrifice on occasion).

Easter eggs, Christmas trees and Yule logs are not required for Christmas. I’ve never done Yule logs and I know about the history behind these Christian traditions.

And how do you know whether or not those people were aware of God. You and all the people talking about New Religions sound less interested in truth and facts and more interested in what makes you feel good.

We’re talking about Gas prices now Thad. You are about 8 hours too late.


Every Thursday for me.

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We better be careful, they might try to sacrifice us for his birthday

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Let’s all make sacrifices to Baal for his birthday.

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I would much prefer one of the newer fitbits, but I can’t decide between the Charge 5 and the Sense.

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Goodnight, everyone. We’ll talk about politics tomorrow.

I’m no fan of paganism, but that made me laugh.

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You get what you pay for with fitbit, I would get the better one if I were you.

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Get a Sense, we should have more of it here

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Citation needed. I’ll skip past the part where I explain why you’re wrong and remind you that attacking religions violates the forum’s code of conduct, right?

And do you realize your “criticism” also applies to Judaism and Islam? Which Western media hasn’t declared open season on, unlike against Christianity.

It’s funny seeing you say that while playing the Worgen alliance race.

Sorry for living in a different time zone and having a life outside the WoW forums. Besides, it’d be fitting for a Death Knight to necro a thread.

1st Game had just the Realm of Light and Realm of Darkness while introducing the concept of Heartless AKA Hearts that fall into Darkness. It also mentioned a Keyblade War that sundered the World that was fought over Light.

Final Mix introduced the Concept of Nobodies made by the Bodies discarded by Hearts when they become Heartless.

2nd Game introduced a couple of Matrixes made by Ansem who is not the same Ansem who was seen in KH1: That Ansem’s Real Name is Xehanort and he got split into Heartless and Nobody.

KH Birth By Sleep introduced the Notion of the Keyblade War being fought over the X-Blade and got Xehanort to possess a Younger Body named Terra resulting in his amnesia in KH2’s Secret Ansem Reports.

KH Re: Coded simply revealed that taking out both Heartless and Nobody restores the original being meaning Xehanort came back.

Now for KH 3D and beyond:

KH 3D introduced Time Travel which should be simple enough since all it is is some younger version of Xehanort grabbed by Xehanort’s Heartless and instructed to bring in 13 Vessels for Xehanort to possess. The fact that he needed 13 Vessels because the X-Blade broke into 13 Shards of course is all due to KH2 having 13 Members of Organization 13.

The rules of Time Travel are simple: if you don’t have Merlin or Yen Sid you need to discard your body and travel to a version of yourself(even a Data or Photo/Painted version of yourself if you have one). You also can’t cause Paradoxes(KH3 reveals that causing one sends you straight to the Afterlife).

This rule of Time Travel is probably what allows Nobodies to recomplete themselves ultimately resulting in Xemnas and Ansem’s Hearts returning to Master Xehanort(since they both are Xehanort) and plopping Terra’s Body(whose Heart was still a Heartless) to his rightful spot where he was last before becoming a Nobody.

Now for KH Union X and KH Dark Road:

KH Union X revealed that the Keyblade War mentioned in Birth By Sleep and KH1 were separate Keyblade Wars and added Convolution to Ventus’s Story making it so that Vanitas isn’t Ventus’s own Darkness but one of the 13 Darknesses which are supposed to be responsible for Heartless.

Furthermore KH Union X also revealed a Master of Masters who is pushing his 6 Apprentices to get possessed by the 13 Darknesses alongside 6 Union Leaders.

Also KH Union X revealed that Xehanort is a reincarnation of KH Union X’s Player Character.

KH: Dark Road revealed that the Darkness responsible for Heartless is one of the Seven Deadly Sins: Ira/Wrath.

Incidentally both Union X and Dark Road have a major Character that resembles manifestations of 1 of the 13 Darknesses: Skuld resembles Vanitas(Yellow Eyes and Blue-Black Hair) and Urd(Yellow Eyes and Grey Hair) resembles Anti-Aqua and Xehanort after both were corrupted with Ira’s Darkness.

Skuld is made to disappear by Luxu who most certainly remembers that the Master of Master wants her and her friends possessed by the 13 Darknesses and by that time has lost all of his morals.

It’s relatively easy for Luxu to dump Skuld into the past to obtain one of the 13 Shards of the X-Blade’s Darkness considering Merlin(the master of Time Travel who can casually violates the rules that say you need a version of yourself at the destination or have to discard your Body) is in town.

Since KH Dark Road is not fully released we have no idea if Urd could become Ira/Wrath(who for some reason refused to possess Foreteller Ira despite the Master of Masters’ intentions) and start turning people she possesses into Heartless but considering her Grey Hair, Yellow Eyes and Post-Darkness-Using Xehanort-like Fashion Sense it wouldn’t surprise me.

Both Urd(Future) and Skuld(Past) are named after the 3 Norns of Norse Mythology the 3rd of which is named Verdandi(Present). Verdandi is likely going to be another of the 13 Darknesses…


It’s funny that you post this after you and several others had a “gang up on the Christian” brigade in this thread.

By the way, could you explain why several Western news outlets couldn’t say Christians were the target after the Sri Lanka Easter Bombings?

But try showing that meme to Christians in the Middle-East or China to name two of many examples.

It’s telling that you had to cherry-pick the West… and even that’s not accurate. Or haven’t you heard of church arson (for example, look up Varg Vikernes) or the Sutherland Springs Church shooting?

You know what is really funny?

Christians: Committing conventional and cultural genocide across all of Europe to the point that even in the modern era, Paganism is portrayed as a boogeyman in horror movies about witchcraft and devil worship. All their traditions stripped of meaning and rebranded as Christian. The entire faith rendered down to “mythology”

Also Christians when the faith is lightly teased and criticized on a video game forum: