A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

At least in the GD those kinds of posts get flagged and removed quickly.

Hey Yvenathilm, what are you typing?

A Kingdom Hearts theory

I don’t understand much of what he says. He replies to me with stuff I don’t get a lot.

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Governments are so Bureaucratic one would think that a Government led by a single person with Vision, love of Fantasy and a strong will could bring Order to the Media!

Everything is run by those without Vision and/or Diligence & Vigilance!

I see StarCraft 2 repeating itself and Amon making a grand reappearance as the ultimate Big Bad of WoW(aside from the Voice in the Darkness). A side effect of learning of how all Marvel Franchises share a Single Universe and how all DC Comics Franchises share a Single Universe I suppose.

I’m seriously expecting Amon to turn out to be the Darkness that grew to fill the Void in Sylvanas’s Soul which make Amon into Death Knight Arthas and especially(since the last fragment of Arthas’s Soul was shoved into Frostmourne) Lich King Arthas!

On the matter of Capitalism(since I’ve noticed mention of it on this Thread): The Ferengi have 285 Rules of Acquisition(which I’m quite certain the majority ignore aside from Quark)


Rule of Acquisition Number 3: Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.

Quark knows how to properly do things and understands Long Run Benefits… His fellow Ferengi Associates on the other hand…

His Ferengi Associates especially don’t understand the 57th Rule of Acquisition : “Good customers are as rare as Latinum. Treasure them.”

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Uh, I don’t play Starcraft, so I don’t know if you’re correct.

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Are you a fan of the Ferengi?

I used to really be into KH the first game especially on the PS2, but then there was a huge period of time and when they re -released it was for PS4 and I only had an Xbox at the time. The mythos was superb. The song ‘Simple and Clean’ from the first soundtrack slaps.

I never watched Star Trek, either.

I still try to keep up with the lore for that series but what’s happened before the Keyblade War is really difficult to keep track of.

eh, I lost track of the lore in the second game where they started to go the route of alternate realities.

Quark(the pinnacle of the 285 Rules of Acquisition) and Garak do seem to be the sanest of Star Trek Characters to say the least though Garak’s tastes in literature are something to be desired…

Incidentally https://www.nintendoenthusiast.com/how-sakurai-met-a-disney-rep-to-help-make-sora-in-smash-bros-ultimate-possible/ shows how the 3rd Rule of Acquisition works: Sakurai was running into a Dead End with Sora until he actually met someone from Disney at an event.

If he had met a Disney representative or even a powerful head of Disney before the event he would have resolved this sooner without having to waste money on Emails and sending representatives over.

Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.

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The second game didn’t have alternate realities, what happened was that the character you play as at the beginning is basically stuck in The Matrix. The series started getting confusing when time travel got introduced before KH3. Now it’s established that the afterlife is a videogame that Rex from Toy Story likes to play.

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unrelated, but is gas really expensive these days where you live? It was almost $1.50/litre here.

Gas is about $3 where I live, and from what I’ve noticed that’s been normal for about 15-20 years now

whaaat $3/litre? that’s crazy

People have free will, so God lets us make our own choices even when they go against Him. He gave us free will so we truly have the capacity to do good. So government law is not God’s law. How long have you been a Christian for?

I apologize for the times I did it. That doesn’t mean other’s aren’t doing it too; if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck…

What are you hoping to accomplish with your questions? Because it sounds like you’re trying to shift the blame to God for our bad decisions here, which would be a very un-Christian thing to do. Do you know the difference between permitting slavery and endorsing it? Because the Bible does the former. That’s like the saying making alcohol legal means the government endorses DUI.

Different interpretations don’t mean there’s no absolute. One person says white, another says black, and outside observers assume gray is the truth. The assumption of gray is sloppy, lazy thinking. The fact that one person is diametrically opposed to the truth does not then skew reality so the truth is no longer the truth.

While I don’t agree with those people, how many have actually done that? How many times has that actually happened?

You’re closer to the truth than you realize. God does love us, and part of that is teaching us what’s best for us and showing mercy when we do get it wrong.

If Denona tried to do that, he’d be violating the forum’s code of conduct against attacking religion.

$3 a gallon

okay so you are paying around $1.20/litre ish that’s what gas here is like normally. not sure why it jumped up to $1.48 either it’s a supply issue thing or Biden’s putting the trade crunch on us and charging us tarrifs on our shale oil >.<

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HI YALL TOO PRECIOUS brb sobbing from feeling appreciated :’)

It’s actually my birthday in a few days (23rd first day scorpio gang gang) so I’m counting this as an early bday present uwu