A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: the feeling is mutual!!

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Baal is my other favorite too. He’s a sweetheart when people bother to get to know him

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I love Baal. Did you see him irl? he’s a babe. Smokin’ hot.


I visited his twitter when he posted it here. He’s cute for sure :wolf:

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just waiting for him to see this thread :rofl: and respond.


He’s probably been watching this entire thread and shaking his head at the nonsense he’s seen

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I’m sure he has. He likes to lurk in certain threads and than go on a posting spree :heart:

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He’s beauty and brains he’s a dual threat.


I love him because he actually knows what he’s talking about. With the history behind why certain things were added to the game and such

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Anyway, I’m off for the night. Love ya guys. :wolf:


He wrote for wowpedia or wowiki I think.


WoWpedia. He added most of the shadowlands stuff I believe.

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Goodnight :smiley:

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I’m following in his footsteps. I see stereotypes and allegories all throughout this game. He’s right.


On the Alliance side, it felt like the opposite. Rather than hearing players talk about humiliating Sylvanas, we got to be humiliated first hand. And it was Sylvanas fans doing it.

That’s true and that’s not fair. I’m sorry that happened to you. tbh I don’t get along with many other Sylvanas fans. I think some of them can be necessarily cruel. I’m all for empowered women, but there’s no empowerment in taking joy in other people’s suffering.

I saw the Burning of Teldrassil as a terrible moment for Sylvanas’s character, and not a good one. She literally became no better than Arthas.

This reminds me. There’s a thread about reviving Garithos to kill Sylvanas. No, please.

is it an Ainhin thread? that guy is literally a one trick pony.

No, it’s some GD person.