A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Personally, I don’t like the idea of going over all this with a fine-toothed comb to see who was to blame, who was culpable, who were the victims, and how everyone should feel about it. I feel sad that this happened at all, particularly for the principle victim and her family. This isn’t some drama for people to fixate on and argue about on the internet, it’s something that happened to real people who are living through it in real life right now, and all anyone not directly involved can do is hope it works out the best it can.

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Go troll in GD dude.


Bruh. Really?

You attempt to stand up for yourself only to be utterly and wholly struck down, if you can’t understand how that would make one reluctant to speak up…


Oh come on

Sylvanas fans are not victims here.

Dude, what

You do realize there’s an imbalance of power in situations like this, right? There’s not a whole lot you can do if you land what you think is a dream job, just to be unfairly treated (at best) and having your bosses or HR side with problem people over you.


Dude, assuming they “let him leave quietly”. The company that ALWAYS threw entire “goodbye beloved /insert executive name” monologues every time one of the “Higher ones” left literally HID he left for months if not longer.

No, Afriasiabi did not “left quietly”… this explains the actual firing with zero aknowledgment on his years in the company (and if you have ever worked in the industrial bussiness, you will know the company will try to take as much distance as possible to avoid getting sunk by the disaster, ergo why they pretended he somehow poofed out of existence for as long as they could.

I´m not familiar at all with American law, but is so horrible there? I mean even in my poor 3rd world country workers can issue complains about unfair working conditions towards the state.

At the risk of getting linched by you and the rest of the people here, but… are we 100% sure there aren´t OTHER women involved in the fiasco and not necessarily from the abused side?

For all we know the shareholders may be a full female team of narcissistic cretins. This process only mentions the male component yes, but it is NOT impossible to expect women abusing other women either. Misogyny is NOT an exclusively male trait.

I personally see it that way… I mean, it could be possible. This time around the male component was exposed but we will never known for sure IF some females were involved from the abuser side of the fence.


Ding ding ding, the religious nutjob who hijacks every thread to rant about his desire to force the Light to be Christianity turns out to be a sexist bigot!

I’m so shocked, who would have thought…


As long as you have your elbows : ) I kid.

I’m not following Thadus, but after his last statement I got it. I’m gonna keep it moving tho.


I dont think this is the right moment for this talk.

Besides dont read the article. read the thing they reported on that is in the article.

This isnt an E-girl and a twitlonger.

Thadeus I understand what you are trying to say and why, but you are absolutely going to fly too close to the sun here and should pull back.

We aren’t, of course.

Workers Rights were gutted in the US during Reagan onward because of “Red Scare” (anti communist paranoia).

So yes, workers do not have rights compared to the rest of the world.


To fix the mess one must accept what has been done and all that it implies and learn the lesson.

Sylvanas’s Dark Half must be extracted and destroyed by Tyrande herself! The Half that didn’t become the Banshee Queen must be healed furthermore.

Any words on Ion?

I mean other than that is complete fantasy on your part and Thadeus and is not alleged by the State of California in any way and implying it is frankly insane. Sure I guess you have a point in your fictional world you’ve created.

That GiF! :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

The upcoming potential crap show that this thread is about to be is going to be such a convenient excuse to just nuke the thread.


I know that companies tend to hate whistleblowers, and kudos to those women if they really did try to stand up to injustice. For the past several years people can speak up anonymously and have legal protection against relation.

Ding ding ding! Strawman and Ad Hominen attack because you can’t refute my arguments, Garriah.

Like Aurirel said, HR prioritizes the company, not the employee. They’re just as likely to do things to drive you away because one way or another, they want the problem gone. Even if that means driving the victim to quit instead of doing anything to fix the actual problem-causer.

Speaking from secondhand experience here.

Edit: Screw Comcast by the way.


This is going to be in court for months, if not years. There is no point in speculating about things that are probably going to turn up in Discovery in due time.


(Which isn’t the case in most countries, btw, just throwing that out there)

It’s disappointing Blizzard PR already posted a response but none of the devs have said anything, only affiliated authors or ex-devs.

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Typically, companies will do whatever they can in the interests of the company within the bounds of the law. One of the reasons there is a civil suit in this case is because it’s alleged that Blizzard, including its HR department, violated the law by not acting on this.

Situations like this may be common, but it’s an issue of enforcement.

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