A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Spare the snarl words (I do know that groups includes people like that scum Elliot Rogers).
For one, incels care about controlling women’s bodies, I’m caring about the lives of babies.

But you’re right that neither choice undoes the crime… but at least the choice I endorse doesn’t punish an innocent baby for the father’s crime.

A baby is not a wound. And - while I know this is not what you think - your words sound like you think women don’t get traumatized by that unless the crimes results in pregnancy.

Just like you.

When it comes to a woman’s right to choose … here is a hint : those are IN women’s bodies.

You have to wrangle your incel ethos to control women’s bodies for those zygotes.

Yes. I am right. So drop that argument.

You spout your nonsense as if undoing a crime is the only way to deal with it.

No. It can not be undone. I am right. You said it. So stop it.

Well, if you know better, and you are hearing sounds that do not match the reality you know… seek help.


I’m pretty sure calling someone an incel (especially wrongfully and insultingly calling someone an incel as you just did) violates the forum’s Code of Conduct.

In their bodies, but aren’t part of their bodies.

I might drop that when you drop the snarl words and false accusations.

I’m just warning you about a poor choice of words.

Yes. I am right. “Undoing” is not one of the options for either side.

So you will keep on disagreeing with yourself out of spite. How Christian.

You will acknowledge I am right… and then keep arguing, knowing you are wrong…

Sounds good to me. Sounds like every post you make.

No, you are expressing your delusions.

You acknowledge you know one thing… then you rant about sounds that contradict the reality you acknowledge :

So you know reality… but you hear sounds that give you an Alternate Reality…

That is some Alt Right Womb Controlling Incel preaching.


Trying to twist my words, flinging snarl words and making defamatory accusations and personal attacks says more about you than me.

Your words are quite plain. They did not need any twisting.

One of your arguments defending the rights of Incels who wish to force females to reproduce was that abortion will not undo the crime. Well, your desire to force reproduction on unwilling women… that won’t undo the crime, either.

Undoing the crime is off the table, for all sides. You at least had a flash of good sense, and agreed I was right.

There is hope for you, yet.


You want to force your belive on to others and take away their freedom. That’s tyrannical. Full stop.

What an awfull evil take.
You are giving people the typical bad stereotype.

It’s 100% about taking freedom away.
Pro life is also a rather untrue statement for most pro lifers.

Yes potential life. Even if you are talking about your strange religion and not reality.

You need to work trough some things.

Of course… Don’t you support a party that’s willing to let their own people starve? What a joke.

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And neither will see the pregnancy through. So what exactly is the point of this sentence?

While at the same time controlling what women can and cannot do when it comes to pregnancies.

And yet the laws imposed by pro-life individuals says otherwise. You can be pro-life while also being pro-choice. Removing that choice by making things like abortions illegal IS taking away freedoms. And that is what most pro-life people want. They refuse to see the middle ground.

Stop trying to impose your will onto others. There is nothing wrong with allowing people to make the choice. IT IS THEIR CHOICE after all. Not yours. That is their right. Even in the eyes of God that is their right as God gave ALL of us free will. Taking away someones choice is or more less taking away their free will. You can’t base your arguments on what ifs either.


It’s all about control. He wants his religion to have total control over a woman’s body and what she decides to do with it. He’s sprouting stuff right out of the Alt Right/Incel playbook, word for word.


Which is truly funny when he goes “everyone has free will and that is their right”.

I guess he feels that his will is more important than others.

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Of course he does. When someone believes that their religion gives them superior morals, they start to think they know what’s best for everyone else. And his free will comment is code word for You have free will, long as you follow my religion and agree that women must be submissive and be nothing more than baby making factories for men

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After all,


Hits the nail on head hun and it’s scary that this is what he believes in.


Sometimes I wonder if The Meaning of Life was the Pythons way of getting back at those who were falsely outraged at The Life of Brian. Simply because they believed that Brian = Jesus in the film even though the first 10 minutes proves that he wasn’t. Which, those people happened to skip. The look on Michael Palins face when those two “Christians” said they didn’t watch the first 10 minutes near the end of that infamous 4 hour debate is so good.


I just find it ironic that……Jesus, the man most Christians claim to want to emulate had more respect for women than most right wing chrisitians do today. Which makes me believe people like thadeus never actually read the Bible and was simply indoctrinated.


This is no different that what I said in my removed comment, but you said it more eloquently.


I have always said I’m a Gnostic Catholic who believes in Anthroposophy. I also believe in science based faith like the philopsophy of Alchemy, the Greek and Egyptian and Jewish Mysteries, which Gnosticism goes hand in hand with. Through Anthroposophy I descovered Orphism and the Orphic mysteries.

You think Catholicism was created out of a vacuum? No, it was the result of ancient religious philosophical debate.

Gnosticism literally means “to seek knowledge”

Are you unaware that Sophism (Catholic Gnosticism) is a branch of Catholicism? The fact that you don’t think I’m a Catholic at all shows just how ignorant you are to other Catholics. Go on, keep saying I’m not a true Carholic, that says more about you than about me Thad.

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Orphism is pretty neat and really interesting when one dwelves into it. Makes you think, since most ancient cultures had a pretty similar creation myth when you look at all of them. I heard of Sophisim, I personnally didnt know it was a branch of Catholicism

Names of the gods might be different, but they all share similarities

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Orphism shares a lot of similarities to Egyptian creation myth. The idea of a Cosmic egg is found in many different cultures. You may find this intereresting but there is a link between the Egyptians and the Celts through the Cult of the Serpent. Not sure how credible this information is but there’s folklore that an Egyptian Princess went to Scotland and brought the Egyptian Mysteries to Scotland and Ireland. That whole idea of St. Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland is a euphamism for driving out the pagans, aka the Cult of the Serpent.

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I love Monty Python.

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