A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

So why give them more ammunition?

Because they already have infinite ammo.

Words like that, it sounds like you’re on their side.

I want to know your denomination out of my own curiosity.

You’re not as bad as them, but you’ve made me suspicious.

How have I made you suspicious?


You’ve taken a few potshots at me in threads and that “infinite ammo” quip.

I would believe whatever you said. I never once argued with you about abortion, and I haven’t mentioned my own religious beliefs once.

Potshots are just me joking around, I don’t take a lot of this serious. The infinite ammo means they’ll speak out against you no matter what you say, I can’t stop them from doing that.


I went to a Presbyterian church when I grew up, became a Christian at a Pentecostal Church and while Christian I do not think any denomination of Christianity (nor non-denominational Christianity) has the monopoly on salvation as that is through Christ.

Good point, see my reply to Doness for the answer.


Thank you for answering, I appreciate it

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Your definition of tyrannical says more about you than me, @Kazthan.

Good perspective about the German Inquisition.

Being pro-life isn’t about taking freedom. Women are free to have sex or not have sex, and after the baby is born they’re free to put the baby up for adoption or keep them. I’m saying in the case of consensual encounters men and women should take responsibility for their choices and while women impregnated by force have my sympathies the only reason I now oppose abortion there is because that’s punishing the baby for the sins of the (Addendum: father/parent who forced the pregnancy).

It’s life, not “potential life”, but that’s something you and I fundamentally disagree on, as from my perspective you’re willing to let babies be murdered if a woman finds it convenient (so you see why I find that evil and abhorrent).

You should probably rephrase that. It looks like ‘victim blaming’ at a cursory glance.

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He seems to believe the sins of the father should be born to the uttermost completion when they are done to an unwilling woman.


Thanks for the head’s up. I meant the sins of the father/parent who forced the pregnancy.

No, it’s actually I don’t think the baby should die because of their father’s crime. Did the baby want or seek to be conceived that way. Have you met anyone who is a child by conceived by THAT kind of crime? They don’t deserve to die because their father was a monster.

Even when corrected, you still cling to the belief that a Father’s sin must be born to completion on an unwilling woman, simply because she was able to be impregnated.


Aborting a baby conceived that way won’t undo what happened to the woman. If she comes to regret the abortion, that could just multiply her trauma. Your words sound like you believe a baby should die for something they didn’t do and had no control over.

It’s not about the sin of the father, but the life of a baby. It’s like the dilemma “Do you punish the innocent to get the guilty, or spare the guilty to save the innocent?”

It is her choice to refuse a forced pregnancy. She had no choice to be assaulted, but she should choose to carry her assailant’s spawn or not.

And your words sound like the excuses of Incels, who demand control over the wombs of unwilling women.


The fact remains that getting an abortion won’t undo what happened. And after a baby conceived that way is born, a woman can choose to put them up for adoption (and I have no problem with that). There are women who’ve kept children conceived that way and raised them and those people sadly face stigma for it.

I don’t know much about what Incels want. As far as I know, they’re people with issues angry over not getting as much sex as they think they should have and let that define their lives.

What is your point? That we should only trade in capabilities that can undo past events? That we should let wounds fester, because they have been cut?

Forcing a woman who was assaulted to carry her assailant’s child to term will not undo the crime, either.

Neither option wil undo the crime.

You share their ethos.

Incels want control over unwilling women. Just as you do. You believe women should be forced to carry the children of any man who assaults them. Just as they do.