A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

This is in America Shern, not like in Russia or the rest of the world, where abortion is legal.

It’s like what Dmitry Medvedev was trying to do in Russia.


In otherwords Animal Rights Extremists are also a problem.

They are an extremely invasive species and have been sterilized instead of being outright killed. Giving them personhood gave them a right to be sterilized instead of hunted… any yet women even as people and legal citizens can’t control their own reproduction or asked to be sterilized without getting her hypothetical husband’s permission first. It’s a sad fact that a woman can’t have a hysterectomy unless she has had at least 2.5 kids and has her partners’ permission, even if it’s required like if she has PCOS or fibroids. It’s insane.

Women don’t have complete medical autonomy. US courts are more likely to give medical autonomy to hippos a drug dealer smuggled into Columbia, than women.


Medvedev was Prime Minister until 2020, but he is gone now. Did you mean Putin?

No he was the only one bringing back up the abortion debate in Russia, he was the only example to give to Shern that he would likely understand.

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I figured that was the case, but you said “is,” which was confusing.

There I changed it.

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It’s sad that women are still treated as objects rather than the human beings that they are. And if someone dares speak up to protect them, we’re seen as the problem. What in the actual hell is wrong with people and this country?


Using “protect” may be seen as patronizing, from what I heard.

No it’s fine.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting to protect women, it’s treating women like they can’t protect themselves and need protection is what ends up being patronizing.


I just meant you know being an ally and such. I’m well aware women are more than capable of taking care of themselves.

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Poor word choice. Didn’t mean it in a negative way


No, Renautus said it was fine. I’m sorry.


It was not taken in a negative way. trust me Micah you are a good ally.

There’s only Thadeus and Finninbas that I don’t think are good to women here. Everyone else is fine.


Carry on my lore loving guys, gals, and non-binary pals.

Backs out of thread.


You could try asking me, though would you believe my answer?

Why do you want to know and would you really believe what I say?

It’ll help us better understand your views. There are other Christians in this thread who don’t agree with you which might be because their denominations are different than yours. I’d believe whatever denomination you claim to be.

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I don’t know about you, but I suspect a few others (Renautus, Micah and Kazthan based on their track records) would try to use whatever answer I give against me or just start attacking whatever answer I give. You’ve seen how they, especially Renautus, rant and rave about me.

They already use whatever you say against you, so what difference would it make?

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You’re all over the place.

In an earlier conversation you call yourself a lapsed Catholic who followed some science-based religion that (somehow) also believes in reincarnation, then you call yourself a Gnostic and now you’re a Gnostic Catholic?

You weren’t disciplined by the mods for being pro-choice. You were disciplined for calling me names and how you attacked my views.

And blaming all pro-life people for the extremist minority (in the case of that minority of a minority of pro-life people guilty of property damage, assault and murder) is like blaming all Muslims for ISIS or all atheists for Stalin.