A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

If being tyrannical means not wanting innocent babies to be punished for the crimes of their parents…

What number is enough? There are about 2 billion Christians in the world, have you even met 1% of us?

Bone churches were a creative solution to interring the remains of the deceased when cemeteries were overcrowded and burial space was scarce.

Blaming all Christianity for the German Inquisition is like blaming all Islam for ISIS or all atheism for Stalin.

Australia’s home to all sorts of deadly creatures, radiation will just make them bigger and angrier; haven’t you seen the Toho monster films jks

Next time, she can just say that his beliefs are extremist instead.

And then it suddenly dawned on me that I had not read the original post. Mda.

Renautus flings snarl words at people she disagrees with like a frayed wire shoots sparks (just ask Finnibas, for one).

Correct me if I’m wrong, what about my views do you consider extremist? I’m not looking for an argument (yes, I got carried away standing up for myself and my views - though I’m not the only one) just wondering.

I do not know. I don’t read walls (short quote - short answer) … And big posts too.
Do you use violence or actions leading to violence (provocation) to achieve your political goals? If so, then an extremist.


Then no I’m no extremist; I don’t use violence or actions leading to violence nor do I endorse them. I said nothing racist, sexist or homophobic.

Someone said something pro-choice. As a pro-life Christian (which is why Renautus called me all those names), I challenged that. Then a few others turned it into “my grievances with Christianity are ‘X’” thread (attacking a religion violates the forum’s code of conduct).

A pro-choice Christian chimed in to my surprise, a couple of people went “let me the sing the song of my people” about paganism and it all went downhill from there (a couple of them even tried to bring the discussion to an unrelated thread of mine).

While I could’ve handled it better, they sure weren’t blameless. That’s pretty much it.

And it’s fine, you’re not a gossip.

You are a troll and a terrible person.


What is your denomination?

He got really triggered by an old Benedikt comment about Baptists. I think he’s either Southern Baptist or Evangelican.

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That’s interesting. I assumed he was a Catholic.

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No, probably a Calvinist of some kind. The rhetoric he’s reguritating is exclusive to the Bible belt of the US.

He identifirs as Christian not Catholic.

He probably has no idea of the long and bloody history between Catholics and Protestants.

I guess no one but me appreciates the irony of a Protestant telling a Catholic they are not Catholic enough because the Catholic is pro-choice.


Lets take a moment to disscuss the appropriate amout of outrage.

Thadeus is outraged because no one shares his opinion about abortion on a video game forum.

I, a woman, am outraged that Thadeus thinks his religion permits him to make decisions about my body without my consent.

I am outraged that my opinion on the subject isn’t even being taken seriously and I’ve been pretty much told to sit down and shut up in this forum by him, just for being a woman.

My posts get flagged and removed.

I am justifiably outraged at Thadeus and Blizzard mods for enabling him.


Yes it’s tyrannical.

I only blamed Manchin and Sinema, not Christians. I have a problem with you trying to force your believes on to others and wanting to take away their freedom.

That’s the most important take away here.

And no “potential life” does not matter more than a womens freedom.

You have every right to be upset and angry over this. It’s disgusting


That’s really something to take in.

Not only. Taking the freedom of someone is also extremist. You can make extreme things without violence. Like the U.S. healthcare system. It’s extreme to it’s core and was implemented without violence.

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An extreemist by definition is the advocacy of extreme measures.

Anti-arbortionists are extreemists. Making abortions and micarriages illegal and punishable is extreemism.

Anti-abortionists do use violence and terror. They harass women entering Planned Parenthood and other clinics. They lure women into pro-life propoganda trailers pretending to be doctors and nurses. They shout at and try to scare women just trying to get basic health care, like breast and ovarian cancer screenings, OBGYN appointments, birth control appointments etc.


In other highly controvercial news, Pablo Escobar’s smuggled drug hippos are legal US citizens now and have legal personhood.

Can someone try turning USA off waiting 2 minutes and turning it back on again? I think it’s crashing. It needs a hard reboot.


I just got the Headless Horseman’s Mount after 141 attempts.



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How can a health care system be extremist? Although, there is punitive psychiatry. M … deliberately spreading the disease to promote politicians?