A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Lie and deny all you want, it doesn’t change facts.

Because you’re in denial about what you can see and you’re spiritually blind to the rest.

I don’t trust you enough to take your word for it.

Baseless assumption from you.


What number is “enough”?

You didn’t say “for the U.S” at first, so I’m skeptical of you.

That’s a fraction of the Papal Inquisition, and what does that have to do with the Spanish Inquisition?

You know nothing about The Bone Church - or to give it’s proper name, the Sedlec Ossuary.

The reason that church has thousands of people’s bones artistically arranged to form decorations and furnishings for the chapel is because it was such a popular burial place, there wasn’t enough room to inter everyone at the cemetery. They were interred in other cemeteries, then their bones were moved to the Sedlec Ossuary once catacombs were added underneath years later. Then, in 1870, the woodcarver František Rint was commissioned by the Schwarzenberg aristocratic family to put the bone heaps into order, yielding a macabre result. The signature of Rint, also executed in bone, appears on the wall near the entrance to the chapel.

As to why the church was so popular for internment, in 1278, Henry, the abbot of the Cistercian monastery in Sedlec, was sent to the Holy Land by King Otakar II of Bohemia. He returned with a small amount of earth he had removed from Golgotha (the place where Christ was crucified) and sprinkled it over the abbey cemetery. The word of this pious act soon spread and the cemetery in Sedlec became a desirable burial site throughout Central Europe.

Then why bother talking to me at all?

Your denial doesn’t change them.

Sure and poisonous snakes aren’t dangerous or something.

It’s not cute. It’s tyrannical. That’s why people are speaking up against you.

Enough, from travelers, customers, a English teacher from the U.S., former family etc. Enough. Most were pleasant people to met.
It’s also rather irrelevant. We both know most Christians are ignoring a lot of the Bible.

You are right I didn’t know anything about this church. It’s also not the one I was talking about.
There are many like those. It’s creepy and strange, but not uncommon. For some weird reason.
Why the German inquisition? Because the Spanish was like a walk in the park by comparison.

Well why?
Aside from your tyrannical strokes.

I wouldn’t bother, thadeus clearly has some major issues he needs to work through.


You said something stupid and that I disagreed with in the other thread, so I responded. Listen, I know me and you never got along and never will, but you seriously need drop the victim complex. I don’t have some vendetta against you, you just have a LOT of really bad opinions


That’s cool from you.

At least I can see where he’s coming from the church / political mix thing from a let’s say medieval (very broadly speaking) view. Things like the Borgia family are an example. However, they didn’t change the teachings of the church. It was more about power and control. Nobles among themselves.
Of course some things had major impacts, but those were mostly about interpretation and a change of power. For example the east- west split.

That’s also long past though.


Meant to type wouldn’t btw. I largely try to stay away from religious arguements. Exceptions being when people try to use their beliefs to control what others can or can’t do(Like abortion).

Oh I see. :sweat_smile:
That’s for the best I guess, at least on forums like this one.

That’s exactly the thing. Pushing it on to others.

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The iPhone and ipad have a really bad habit of autocorrecting words :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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We have made it past 2000 posts. I was hoping this thread would get Y2K’d. Oh well, let’s invade Iraq.

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We’ll launch angry little gnomes from airplanes and scare the crap out of everyone :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Or Australia. I hear it’s the newest joke. :sweat_smile: :rofl:


Australia……where everything is death incarnate and will try to kill you at some point :smiley:


Um … We just got cleared out? Seems, yes.
Has anyone been banned?

Did posts get removed?

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Yes. Renautus’s post about the extremist Thadeus, Mika’s post about “all the best people in my life are women, what are the reasons to hate them.”

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Apparently the mods mods wiped a few posts

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One of my posts was removed. Not banned.

I’m kind of tired of Blizzard taking the sides of misogynists tbh.

This game and this forum is unfriendly to women.


Racists, homophobic and anti women rhetoric is fine apparently but if you speak out against it, that’s seen as problematic. This is a company who hates women anyway, so it’s not really a surprise


I don’t know what was said, but direct insults can always lead to removal. It can be hard to take the high road when people say gross things, though.


Renautus called Thadeus an extremist. There was no evidence in the message itself.

Am I a gossip?

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