A Question for experienced warriors

Hello, i was researching to find a class for me, i will play on a pve server and very casualy mostly doing DGs and Raids.
Will i have a hard time playing as Warrior? i don’t like playing casters that much.
Thanks guys.
[EDIT] or maybe should i roll a rogue?

Warrior is really slow to level. You’ll want to make sure you keep upgrading your weapon whenever possible because it makes the biggest difference in your damage.

Also, Warrior has a tough time taking out stuff 1 level above them and doesn’t really have a lot of methods of escape.

You might be better off rolling a Rogue if slow leveling and dying is a concern for you.

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This is why people level 2H Fury to 40 for Piercing Howl, switch to Arms at 40 for Mortal Strike. Although on PVE, you could probably just stay Fury while transitioning into dual wield as you get some hit rating.

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Warrior is fun but you’ll die a lot. You are expected to fill the Tank role always for 5 mans while leveling.

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Leveling is not a problem for me, i will take it easy, i was woried about the endgame 60’s as i will play casual

Even as a casual Warrior is probably one of the best classes, once you reach 60. Grab a good 2h and go blowed up bodies in BG’s

Seeing as you’re also considering rogue, I assume you’d be wanting to play DPS. Warrior are the only real raid tank, Druid can fill some niche roles and Paladin aren’t bad in dungeons. So, you might get a bit of badgering to go tank at that point, but Fury Warrior are also quite excellent when geared properly.

I’m not sure what you’re asking. Warrior endgame dps is good and it’s simple though, so you should not have a hard time if you are patient and can gear properly.

If you want to play casually, do dungeons and PvP without a lot of “pressure” go rogue. It’s an easier class to play than warrior, had a lot more solo abilities, and doesn’t require you to tank

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As long as you have a good guild or friends, questing will be a breeze. Also, the best exp approach is dungeon cleave - basically where Warriors all join together with a healer and aoe packs of monsters quickly. You could also tank and be in high demand.

Rogue will definitely be easier, but it’s not as fun or versatile as Warrior (IMO).

Do you need a guild Ghostnabis? If so, hit me up ok?

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How hard is it to tank instances as a fury/arms warrior up to lvl50(ish)?

I can recall a lot of tanks getting in a group, and them needing to run to the bank to pick up their “taanking gear.”

Leveling is painful if fighting mobs higher level. Otherwise, keep your 2 hander up to date and you should be okay.

At 60, warriors are the least forgiving class for casual play, sadly. This is because:

  1. Competition with other warriors as it’s the most populated class. I don’t envy all the Orcs competing over the one Deathbringer that drops every other month. On that same note, in order to get raid gear you really need to show dedication, or the other warriors will often get stuff over you. This shows the importance of a good guild, and finding a group of players you mesh with well. Having a great group of warriors you get along with and are happy for each other when you all get upgrades is super important.

  2. Gear scaling affects warriors the most out of any class. A warrior with average gear will feel below average. A warrior with very high end gear will start to feel godlike.

  3. Need to farm a lot of gold or resources to keep up with crafting the best items (Arcanite Reaper, Lionheart Helm, Titanic Legs, Stronghold Gauntlets, Annihilator, etc.), and warriors are not the greatest farmers until their gear gets very good. This is why most warriors go mining, so they can get their Arcanite bars mostly without spending gold. I plan to level as mining and skinning, and stick with that till well after 60, just for relative self sufficiency for crafted items, and steady income.

  4. Tanking is another very important part of the class. If you’re unwilling to tank, that will look bad. Once tanking, people look at you for leadership, so there is some pressure, and experience required. If you’re with good people, and good warriors who help you get this experience, this isn’t a problem.

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What is your goal? If you have no desire to tank at all, rogue will suit you better.

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What server is your guild and is it Horde or Alliance?, i don’t have any guild yet im interested

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Even a white-quality weapon with a slow swing-time and a higher top-end damage can be an upgrade while you’re leveling, so don’t turn your nose up at it automatically if you’ve got the silver to spare.

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Here we go - our recruitment page has all the info and Discord for ya: [A] <Unity> | Pagle | Semi-Hardcore | Tu/Th +Sun 8-10PM EST

Check us out :+1:

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Also, be judicious with your skill purchases. You don’t absolutely need every skill the moment it becomes available. Some of them can wait until later. Just buy new ranks of the important stuff.

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  1. Level up as Arms not 2H Fury.
  2. Prioritize getting Tactical Mastery and Anger Management talents, so you don’t lose rage when stance dancing.
  3. Level up cooking and First Aid, because you will be bandanging and eating frequently.
  4. Quest in other zones so you can overlevel quests unless the quest is for a weapon or major armor upgrade. Get a quest level addon, so you can turn in green quests before you are more than 5 levels above them for maximum xp.
  5. At level 30, you have a warrior quest for Berserker Stance which also grants you an additional in-combat charge.
  6. At level 30, go to IF Hall of Discovery and look for a quest that takes you to the Loch Modan excavation site. This is a breadcrumb quest that opens up the quest Murdaloc for a lvl 40 2H mace (Rock Rulverizer). 5 lvl 30s can complete the quest in 30 minutes.
  7. At level 30, start working on your level 40 weapon quest for the Whirlwinds Axe. If you can recruit level 35+ players to help, you can get this weapon in your low 30s.
  8. Once you get the Whirlwind Axe, and Whirlwind ability, Sweeping Strikes talent deep Arms, then you’ll be able to handle fighting 2+ Target with ease.

Warrior is a lot of micro management, but very rewarding when those huge crits start flying across your screen. :muscle:t2::fire:


If you want to dps roll rogue, warriors are expected to tank

Yeah, as soon as you get plate and MS, leveling becomes a lot less frustrating. It’s getting to that point that can be grueling.