[A] [Grobbulus] [PvP] [PvE] <Warbringer>


We arrived on Emerald Dream in August/2012. Prior to that, we were based out of The Venture Co. (another RP-PvP server). When we were on “Veco”, our guild had a few different incantations. All very rich with personalities and much talked about by the local rabble.

Our decision to move to Emerald Dream was to access the larger population base and pursue WPvP (along with other traditional PvP activities). As we continued to grow and expansions passed, so did our goals for the guild. We’ve branched out to all major elements that the game had to offer and have found success in each one.

With Classic being just around the corner and interests in BFA continue to burn out, we’re looking to recreate the guild with the same core values and philosophies of all the previous expansions wrapped up into one solid community. We look forward meeting all the new recruits as well as seeing some of the old ones return to our ranks.

Guild Leadership

<Warbringer> is a highly organized entity, and officer positions are granted based on what the individual will contribute to the guild in terms of organizing events/maintaining the infrastructure. We are not dependant on one or two key individuals. We pride ourselves on the stability of our officer corp, and it is very rare for us to lose one of these valued members.

In short, we are built for long-term stability, and reward those willing to put in the effort.


Activity: We expect each current member within our ranks to have an active login time to join us in guild events or engaging with the community. And while numbers are important, our goals are more focused on efficiency, organization, and the ability to complete the tasks set before us. We also value the community aspect that comes with the guild. We encourage all of our members to jump into Discord and socialize with fellow community members. This will make events easier to make as well as coordinate when there are strong ties that help us as a guild move forward.

Attitude: Each member of the community will have the expectation to have a good attitude during and in between guild events amongst community members. Each member will also be expected to take any feedback into stride and then applying it to make themselves stronger players upon the decision to join any organized events.

Ambitious: We expect our members to be eager and ready for success within all aspects of the game that Classic has to offer. Players will be held to a standard that they have put in the prep work to be qualified for joining us when the time comes for events such as raiding. For such events, we aren’t looking to be a hardcore guild but to be sure that each player is ready for such tasks when the opportunity presents itself.

These are the main things that we’re expecting from out players. We look forward to seeing and working with many different personalities that pass through our doors. As well as the amount of fun that we’re going to have with the events that we’ll be partaking in.

Server Name: Grobbulus
Server Type: RP PvP

The server has been announced and we were correct. There’s only one and that’s where we’re going. We look forward to seeing the explosion of community happen as our previous realm (ED) makes the move there.

To be successful in Classic, raiding is a must. Starting in MoP, our guild has maintained a solid Heroic raid team that eventually evolved into Mythic during Legion. After much hard work, grinding and perseverance, our guild managed to acquire our first successful Cutting Edge during Antorus the Burning Throne.

We’re looking to gather raiders of all varieties of skill to join us as we face off against familiar foes. In the early incarnations of the raids, each member will be expected to farm their pre BiS pieces in order maximize our chances of success when the next phase is released.

And while we’re looking to be as efficient as possible, our focus is to make sure that our members are not only finding success in each raid but having fun with community members while doing them.

Raid Times: T/TH starting around 7-8PM CST (Likely to change based on schedules)

One of the cornerstones of what the guild was created for was for the combat between factions. With the loss of many fun aspects in PvP in current WoW we decided it was best to put it on the back burner and decided to go the PvE route. With Classic returning and seeming like we’re going to have much more stable servers we want to bring this back.

Seeing that World PvP will be the only form of PvP in the first few phases we want to get back into the swing of things and go at it with our experienced officers at the helm. Organization is our biggest focus during these encounters. We look to our members to be able to follow directions given by leadership. We also want to encourage all of our players to be able to fight from small to large scale engagements.

We will continue to uphold our standards in Classic WoW and look forward to the many encounters that we’ll be faced with.

In Classic we expect to have a constant revolving door. The leveling process will range differently from each player. Some will have the time and ability to blitz to the max level while others may take a few weeks to months. In the process there will be many different groups that will get to 60 and each one has potential to have a dry well when trying to get into dungeon groups. Another part of Classic that’s important is even doing dungeons to get pieces for things like Fire, Nature and Frost resistance gear for raids.

In Classic we’ll be building our guild to having dungeons being run daily by a variety of members. Our goal is to be sure that all variety of players within the community have access to any of the dungeons that have become available to them at that time.

One of our more relaxed events. We’ve done this in the past where we’ve gotten premade groups together and have gone into battlegrounds as a guild. With a much more organized group, this opens up the possibility for a much more relaxed environment where community members can experiment with different tactics or builds for us to use in future battles.

Even with all that said, the focus of this event is fun. As well as building connections through combating the Horde in the battlefield.

Conclusion: We’re very excited for WoW Classic. And for me personally, I look forward to seeing and being a part of helping this community grow. Thanks for reading. If this sounds great to you, contact me in Discord (Jalen#0734), BattleNet (BlueflagLord#1157) or, you can set this recruitment thread to watching for announcements on our server choice as well as any future plans that we have. See you all in Classic!


Ghostly Noises



He has returned!

I know these guys! We’ve fought in WPvP in Legion! They are super great guild and I highly recommend them if you are looking for a well rounded guild with great leadership, I highly respect them!


Thanks dude! We’re super excited!


Nice use of images for the recruitment post! I dig it!

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I made them :slight_smile:

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Hey well done, they look really nice :smiley:

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Warsong Battalion is a much better guild. Hope they make a guild in Classic.

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Um yes, I’ll take Law school for 500 points Alex! Jokes aside, Hey maybe they will come back for vanilla! Are you all planning on being on the same server?

Yup. All ED’ers are intending on being on the same server. We’re just waiting to find out which one later this week.

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Nice! There really hasn’t been talk on Tich Server to be looking at same servers… but maybe I could start that conversation up haha. I was hoping they’d have similar names at vanilla launch, like having Tich on there already same timezone/pvp server, would be an easy pick for WSV!

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I could see them taking it either way. That being either making servers with the same name. Or just making new ones

Looks too serious!

It looks great >:)

Bumping thread for fun Alliance guild!

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Good group of people, solid leadership

These guys have been taking names for a long time on ED

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Thanks dude! :grinning:

Bumping thread

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