[A - Incendius - PVP] <Audacious> - Semi Hardcore Naxx Guild / Casual Sunday 2nd Raid Group

Bumping post.

Raid times updated.

Bumping again.

Still looking for all classes and a MT

LFM! Need some more folks.

LF moar dotz.

Still looking for more members!@

:heart_eyes: Can’t wait for release!

Added, I’d like to fill a priest healer spot if possible. I raided original Vanilla content well into Naxx. Pm for more info

Added. :slight_smile: Message me when your online.

Got lots of spots open, looking for people, not specific classes.

I’m interested! Perfect raiding schedule for me.

Awesome I messaged you.

Looking for Mages! Be my vending machine and ill be your heals
A Mage whose gonna play a Priest

Hello. I’m currently in search of a Classic guild. 7/9 T3 Rogue circa '06. I’ve also healed through BC/WotLK content and MT from Cata up to Legion. Now, I casually play enhance Shaman while I wait for Classic :slight_smile: Raid times work for me. I’ll be maining a Priest this time around; prefer Human provided we have enough Fear Wards. I’ll also at some point have Rogue and Warrior leveled. I’ll level Enchanting/Tailoring. My discord is Zaradesh#9883 Hopefully, we are a good fit. Cheers.

Hey Zara I’ll add you to discord once I get home from work.

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bump for good people

I’m interested. Added you on Discord. :slight_smile:

Awesome looking forward to talking to you.