Server: Whitemane [Alliance PvP]
Loot System: Loot Council
YIKES is a serious progression guild fielding multiple raids. We push for server first/best clears and have more casual raids all with the same goal of clearing all current content efficiently. We offer a friendly and active guild environment for all players who are looking for a home for TBC. Raid times for all 3 raids are below:
Raid 1: Tues/Wed/Thur 6:45pm-9:45pm PST - Main raid team
Raid 2: Sun/Mon 6:30pm-9:30pm PST - Weekend/DAD raid
Raid 3: Tues/Wed 6:00pm-9:00pm PST - Newer raid team/Semi-HC
Our current guild achievements include: US #15 Gruul, US #9 Magtheridon, US #6 Kael’thas, US #52 Vashj
Our History
The foundation of our guild was created on the Northdale vanilla private server as Resurgence, whose goal was to prepare for the opening of Classic WoW and to learn (and remember!) as much of the game as we could. Afterwards, we hit the Classic WoW scene in strong fashion and since then we have grown and improved to where we are today. We are always working to improve and never give into complacency. We look to continue to build upon our past successes into TBC Classic.
Member Expectations
Raid 1:
- Appropriate raiding professions are expected.
- Extensive knowledge of your class and mechanics is expected.
- Obtain all crafted pre-bis/raid bis.
- Full participation in any Public Test Realm opportunities.
- A raiding alt for split runs will be required.
- Expected to push for server first/best clears on progression content.
Raid 2/3:
- Appropriate raiding professions are encouraged.
- Extensive knowledge of your class and mechanics is expected.
- Obtaining all crafted pre-bis/raid bis is strongly considered in LC decisions.
- No split alts will be required in these raids.
Our loot council system is employed very similarly in all raids. Effort put in toward your character in addition to your in-game performance are the primary factors considered toward loot distribution.
Recruitment (Updated: 11/13/21)
Raid 1:
* OPEN - All Classes considered with emphasis on:
* 1 Enhance Shaman, 1 Hunter, 2 Warlock, 1 Elemental Shaman, 1 Holy Paladin
Raid 2:
* 1 Holy Paladin, 1 Resto Shaman, 1 Elemental Shaman, 1 Hunter, 1 Mage
Raid 3:
* 1 Holy Priest, 1 Resto Shaman
If you are interested in joining us, please join our discord at and fill out the appropriate application to the team you’re applying to. Having great Classic warcraftlogs is a plus, otherwise please provide as much detail as possible regarding your submission.
Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon!