[A-Proudmoore] <Uncommon Sense> 8/9m

Things that go bump in the night.

Hello There is a post here. Please help.

Bumpity bump.

LF strong DPS and a swing dps/healer!

Looking for more!

Anyone out there looking to raid?

Looking for progression minded people to raid with!

Bumping this post!

Hello would you like to join a raid guild

Looking for a healer and some ranged DPS!

Looking for more people!

Sire prog going well. Anyone for a guild?

Would love to trial a healer and a ranged DPS next week!

Looking for a few more to raid!

Looking for a few more raiders!

Still looking for a healer and a couple ranged.

Looking for more people!

Looking for some raiders

Getting there. 22%!

Looking for a healer, preferably resto shaman or disc priest.

10% is our best attempt