Looking for RSham!
Still looking for more!
Hello! Is there a Resto Shaman in the house?
Still looking for a resto
Looking for more still!
Still looking!
I am intrested in this post I have a 203 Boomy, 201 Rogue, 186 Lock, 194 priest, 196 ww Monk, and several other alts but am def intrested in a Mythic raid team currently just puggin im 7/10 Heroic havent really been focusing on Raid been doin more pvp and M+s
but am lookin to get into the raiding scene again I have Mythic raiding xp from previous xpacâs was 10/12M in Nya on my MW monk
add my btag Mistaeken#1664 if intrested in chatting
Hey man, add me on BTag and we can talk about it. IMABEARRAWR#1911
Hey kid. Wanna raid?
Hello my daily post
Got Hungering yesterday! On to Sun King!
Looking for Affliction Warlock, Fire Mage, Restoration Shaman, Holy Paladin, Shadow Priest!
Any Holy Paladins out there?
Hey! Are you still looking for a resto shaman healer? Iâd be interested in chatting with you!!
Looking for a Holy paladin!
Hey friendos! Looking for more!
Looking for more!
Still looking for more!