[A-Proudmoore] <Uncommon Sense> 8/9m

Bird is the word round these parts.

Raiding today, getting ready for SL

If raids were more melee friendly, I’d be survival

They took down the Halloween decorations at work today and we have boxes of Christmas stuff now…What is retail

We’re still looking for people. Mostly would like a swing healer if possible!

Any Shadow Priests looking for a new home?

Anyone still looking?

Hello…It might be us you’re looking for…I can see it in your logs…I can see it in your times…

Shadow priest? Shadow Priest.

Still looking!

Still looking!

Still looking for people! We’re doing a partial reclear on the 17th!

Looking for primarily ranged DPS and a swing healer. Performing a partial reclear tonight!

Looking for any RDPS that is interested in joining us for SL!

Still searching for people!

Looking for any exceptional players who might be interested in joining!

Contact us if you’re interested in joining! Always looking for more.

Always seeking out exceptional and motivated players!

Always looking for more!

Still looking for some more dedicated players!