[A-Proudmoore] <Proper Villains> Eternal Palace 5/8M - LFM Ranged DPS

Monk, Shaman, Priest, come on down.

Is this like the WoW version of the price is right?

Yes! And the prize is free consumables from our lovely Bankers! (although only Sarett and I look good in the sparkly dress. Reason tries, but well, its the leg hair that throws off the look.)

This guild could be your guild, but its not, you should do something about that.

Actively looking for a few good players

Icewing why arent you a gnomie.

Does noone play Ele anymore?

Thrall doesn’t even play ele.

A Water Elemental? I have one of those!

Would give my left nut for an Ele Shaman

What about your left and right?

Thrall doesn’t play anything cause he is still nursing his bruised ego over his hammer liking me better.

Also I wouldn’t offer up body parts for range dps. We have gnomes we can sacrifice to the old gods.

What a great group of people!!!

Online and looking for a good time!

Good Morning! Will be available on Mobile all day long!

This isn’t your standard bump post.

Raiding tonight.

Ice you are so cute when you bump threads.

Hello, this is not the bump you are looking for.

What is the bump we are looking for then?