Cavity Bugs is a newly formed raiding and mythic + guild located on US-Proudmoore, recruiting more for our Heroic AoTC Raid team! 9/9H.
Raid Days/Times: Tues+Thurs at 5:30pm- 8pm Pacific. Looking for DPS!
Sunday Alt Raid Nights! Same Time
Also looking for more M+ folks in general!
Our ambitions are to get AoTC every tier and help guildmates with their KSM goals! If you’re looking for a tight-knit community of chill cool, LGBTQIA+ friendly folks then look no further! If you are interested or have any questions comment below. Alternatively, you can reach out to me via : Discord- alltheaggro
Thanks for looking!
Bump. I can be contacted as well in game or on discord with reversehills.
H Sark tonight. and Regular raids resume tues+thurs! Come see what we are all about ! 
Looking for more solid DPS for tonight’s raid!
Raid day tuesday was a fast 7/9H run, shooting for the AOTC this thursday!
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Still looking for wonderful people to add to our community and raid team!
Raid Needs:
Demon Hunter- HIGH
Death Knight - High
Also All great DPS are welcomed to apply!
Ahead of the CURVE tonight!
Almost have Sark down! made it to third phase down to 24%, aotc within sight!! Join us for your aotc!!
Raiding resumes tomorrow! Our raid team is still looking for a Mage, Death Knight, Demon Hunter, and Rogue. Any exceptional DPS should apply!
All welcome for M+ and social events!
This Guild cured my Asthma!
Still on the lookout for a Mage, Demon Hunter, Death Knight and all other exceptional dps for our Heroic Raid team!
All M+ and social folks are encouraged to apply as well!
Raid resumes tonight!
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Bump for tonight. Going for AotC this evening. Come join, try us out, and get your achievement. 
We are running Heroic Sark Practice tonight ! still looking for some dps to add to our team!
this guild cured my asthma!
Looking for a home? look no further!