Recruitment Update:
Looking for demon hunter, mage, shadow priest and boomkin.
Recruitment Update:
Looking for demon hunter, mage, shadow priest and boomkin.
We are still looking for a shadow priest, boomkin and a DH!
What he said.
Still looking for boomkin/DH!
Boom, boom, boom, boom, I want you in my guild!
Now we’re just looking for a boomkin!
Boomkins FTW!
Looking for that one, elusive boomkin! PST!
Just looking for one more ranged dps with a strong healing offspec.
Or one Healer with a strong DPS offspec!
Now recruiting:
(1) One full time healer (druid/shaman/pally preferred)
(2) One DPS with a strong Healing offspec
Come heal us!! We’re fun!
Still looking for one healer.
Come heal the raid so I don’t have to!
6/9 Heroic. Recruiting one healer.
Still looking for one more healer
We’ve found our healer! Now just looking for one DPS with a strong healing offspec.
Now 1/9 Mythic - Hooray for cross realm mythic unlocks!
Looking for:
(1) One Balance Druid
(2) One Frost Mage
(3) One DPS with a strong Healing offspec
Still looking!
Bump for 8/9 Heroic, congrats raiders!
Now just looking for one DPS with a strong healing offspec.