[A] <Prophecy> | Casual, 2-day | 7/8N | What's your fun? | Recruiting for EP!

Come hang with us tonight in the ETERNAL PALACE and see a real, live enhancement shaman! :muscle:


First night of raid in new tier, and we cleared 4/8 normal! We only had 2 wipes and those were on the 5th boss. Come join us Monday for more!

We’re still looking for more members!

2nd night of the tier, got 2 pulls (1 accidental xD) on Queen Azshara (along with some interesting emotes)! We’re starting up again on Wednesday for more!

We cleared 5/8 N this Wed., and are picking back up on No. 6 on Monday!

We’re still recruiting members for both our guild and raid team! :smiley:

LF Tanks especially! :slight_smile:

Starting fresh once more this Wed! Come try us out! The main post above is up to date! :smiley:

7/8N tonight in our 2hr of raid, and Mon. we’ll do Azshara and switch to heroic!

Starting N Azshara progression tonight :slight_smile:

Raid starts in an hour! Woot! :smiley:

We got Azshara to 7%! Wednesday, we’re starting heroic progression, then reclearing normal!

Hello! I’d like to see if our situation fits well with Prophecy ! I have raided for years, both WoW and other MMOs. I’m only so interested in raiding now, but do enjoy dungeons and other simpler and faster content, but raiding is possible. So I don’t care about AotC, server firsts, being the best (I assure you, I’m far from that lol!)

I would also like to bring in my (RL!) very sweet sister, who is pretty noobish in the game but has been playing a few months, but has basically no dungeon experience.

OK, so what we’d be seeking is a very friendly, active guild in which it’s possible to assemble a dungeon party relatively easily… many guilds I’ve been in are only really interested in raiding and thus I end up getting told to just pug it, which is not why I like to be in a guild!!! haha

We’re both very mature, and of course should others also want runs, I’m generally ready to immediately jump in there, if not otherwise engaged with another player.

We prefer to use typing chat rather than voice (except in runs of course), as we’re both kind of shy on voice. So it would be good if members do pay attention to and respond to typing chat.

We both have characters of various classes and levels; I have a 120 Destruction Warlock as my only top level toon, since I’m a returning player. I’m a good healer, I have a lot of healing raid & dungeon experience. We could each transfer a toon over to Misha if all looks good and more afterward.

If you would be interested in us, we could set up a time to talk on Discord.

Thanks very much for your attention, Freyjaa!

Heya, Rhyssaria! I’d love to chat with you and invite you to message me on discord at Kivestrien#4964

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Were still looking for new people!

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We’ve made it to Proudmoore! :smiley:

Prophecy is still recruiting members, whether you want to just hang out & be social, to casually raid, push keys, or more!