[A] <Proper Villains> Multi CE, 8/10M CN - LF DPS/ Heals

Bump Bump Bump!!! We need more Bumps!

Looking for a Shaman!!!

hoping to add a skilled ele/Resto to our group!

Need Shamans, Shamans are good, be a Shaman. :slight_smile:

WTB Blue daba de daba die

Looking for a Shaman!!!

We need a Shaman! :slight_smile:

Looking for a Shaman to show me a good time

LFM thrall wannabes!

quality home in search of quality shaman!

LFM, Ele Shaman

LF blue boiz to hang out in the back with the other cool kids!

Resto Shaman where ya at

LF strong players!

Boomy and Fire yaay

Looking for a DK or Hunter

Looking for talented DPS!

LFM Big Damage

Ranged DPS bumps

LFM Progression and bumpers