[A] <Primordial Malice> (Stormrage) - 2/10M - LF DPS (DK & Warlock), etc

BUMP :hugs: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Still looking to fill some DPS spots.

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Need more ranged dps!

Still looking for a few ranged dps.

HI! still looking to fill a few spots

LF Healer with DPS Offspec, who won’t mind dps’ing if needed.
(Druid or Shaman preferred).

We’re looking for more…this is our current needs :hugs:

Recruit Application Form : https://forms.gle/XQMu88ckUugPC9AX8

BUMP we could really use another hunter!

Looking for a warlock!

Bump to the top

Bump! Looking for a warlock and a DK

Bump for Warlock

Bump looking for a warlock :slight_smile:

Bump- updated list to fill some open slots

looking for a few people to fill some empty spots

Offtank, Mage, Rogue, Warlock

Looking for off tank

LF Melee DPS and Warlock

High need for DPS: DK and Warlock, other dps will be considered.

Bump for DPS: Lock and DK, other dps will be considered