LF Resto Shaman (dps offspec is a plus)
In need of a resto shaman, having a dps off spec is a big plus
Bump bump bump.
bumpity bump
To the top you go. Resto Shaman w/dps offspec!
Boppity Bumpity Boop
Looking for ranged dps
Always on the look-out for spectacular dps!
Bump for ranged dps hunter, lock, or mage
Bump for a hunter
LF another ranged DPS (hunter, mage or lock)
Looking to fill a few DPS spots: warrior, lock, mage , hunter
Looking for ranged dps and a warrior to fill some dps spots
Bump, still looking for some extra dps
Still looking for a hunter or mage
Bump looking for more ranged dps
LF Fire Mage and Hunter
Bumping, still looking for some ranged dps - hunter/fire mage specifically