It’s almost time! It looks like we have a great group. Can’t wait to start!
Wait… this was your rap battle…? And this was the hot fire you rallied to? Weak…
You should hear the steaming mess that was Kotya’s, laddie.
Come to Grobbulus we’re going to smash you to pieces!
Calm down there elf. Ty for post bump.
Keep that weak sauce over there. Trying not to infect my ears with early Alpha build mumble rap.
I took a DNA test, and it turns out, I’m 100 percent free honor
Lol. Nah. Die trying !
Horde dont stand a chance.
For The Alliance !
What the heck is with my player portrait.
Umm, do you work for blizz!?!
I long for the days which we’re filled with joy from being Horde on Emerald Dream. Now the RP realms are a fluster cuck and no real organized world pvp. Since there isn’t Blood Elves, Horde Paladins, and Fear Ward exsists, I’ll have to run Alliance. That is, until i complete the pve content and faction change back to Horde and get my High Warlord title. FOR THE HORDE!!!
Elevator to the top
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm wat <><
I wanna get in on this!!!
Come on down!!!
LF some bloodthistle, PM ME
/w 10/g a stack, no less.
I met a member/leader(?) in the Stalagg discord and he really does seem committed to defending the Alliance. Told me to pm any member if I ever need help. Definitely glad to have them on our server.