A positive Horde cinematic?

I just assume that the things in the Intro happened right at the start of the Siege, since they line up with the ending of Old Soldier.

But I agree that that was the last time it felt really good to be Horde. And Alliance. Everyone liked that cinematic, and we all bought into the promise that both factions would have a chance to shine.


Edit: Further, watching that scene it looked like the Alliance was finally making good on Varian’s promise to retake Lordaeron, Anduin was growing into his role, and Sylvanas was learning to unify the Horde behind her, with no less than Saurfang being inspired by her leadership.

Imagine what an expansion it could have been if Blizzard had followed the implied promise of that cinematic, instead of the story we actually got.


No, I agree. What they did would work for a book. It doesn’t work for an MMO.

We’ve been a year without Saurfang trying to bring heroism back to the Horde, so we currently have none.


Andddd we’ll probably be waiting at least another year.

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I came back after leaving in Cata because of that Cinematic. I’m sticking around out of a hope that all of the build-up, obscured plot and tension come to something new, if not good. I was severely dissapointed to find that the narrative that the cinematic presented was not available in-game at all. We don’t even get to re-enact it before the events of the in-game event unfold.

I will never understand why Lordaeron didn’t happen before Teldrassil.


Interesting side note: When Metzen wrote the UC cinema, the idea of Teldrassil being blown up hadn’t been talked about yet. So…originally UC did happen before Teldrassil.


I miss Metzen.


Wow that makes me sad to hear we really could have had a story about the alliance finally being on the offensive and the horde having to rise up and defend/prove themselves.

sighs That cinematic is also the only reason I’m here, and just like Yersynia, am only really sticking around to see if it pays off.

Things would have made so much more sense had UD happened first.


Me too. ;_;

The more I think about it the more it makes me mad. Teldrassil would still have been polarizing and way too far, but it would have at least been an overreaction, and not a proactive shirtshow. I keep playing out the reversed order in my head and it seems better in almost every way, for both sides - the Alliance had every reason to move on Undercity, and get proactive for once, and the Horde sorely needed a dose of defender’s gumption. Instead, the Alliance are murder-puppets for Horde civil disunity.

It boggles the mind. Boggles. I am boggled. My mind has been embogged.


Metzen is like George Lucas- he was a giant in his early years and made some **** ups later which everyone dissed him for… but now that hes gone things are much, much worse


Metzen isn’t anything like Lucas other than that both have messed up at least once.

Lucas is an idea guy. He can make neat worlds and settings. He can’t write people.

Metzen can and has done both.