[A] [Pagle] looking for raid guild (older players)

I plan on only playing in Classic, Dwarf Priest Main, Hunter or Mage alt. I raided in Original WOW Cleared most content.

Hey there Bemi, I think that we’ve got what you’re looking for - we’re vanilla raiders too - we have a core team that will raid on week 5 and everyone else will join in on their own time: [A] <Unity> | Pagle | Semi-Hardcore | Tu/Th +Sun 8-10PM EST

Hopefully we’re a good fit for you :ok_hand:

Ill throw my guild into the mix. <Darkness> Pagle [A] PvE Weekend Raiding Guild 8:30pm EST Start

We are a casual raiding guild that takes raiding seriously. I am keeping the guild topped out to a maximum of 60 players but would prefer 50 active. Our average age is from 30-45 years of age.

I can be reached via dm here, on that post, Discord via Pizzalicious#3878 or Bnet Pizzalicious#1927