[H][US][Hyjal] <From Nothing> Re-roll Project - looking for members

Hi there,

I recently came back to WoW about 3 or so months ago and have been really enjoying it. The problem though, is the guild. I can’t find a guild that fits right. Either they are too much of a hardcore raiding guild or high end M+ that they aren’t interested in someone who plays often (myself) but not at that point (nor wanting to be at that point) of doing so much grinding to high end content when Shadowlands is starting to become just around the corner. I’m sure there are some guilds out there that fit the description I’m looking for, but they’ve been difficult to find.

So with those thoughts, I have came to the idea of starting a guild myself. Its daunting, perhaps a bit crazy being newly back to WoW and all, and the idea may not get off the ground, but I look through recruitment posts and forums along with trade chat and some random guilds I have tried, and there appears to be more people looking and wanting what I am also looking for. So maybe I’m not too crazy for considering this idea. With that, here’s some info:

Update 6/28 We’re still “rolling!” :slight_smile: While people are hitting 120 - we still have people leveling and we’re looking for more to include into our group. Happy to level sync and run things with you when we’re around!

Lots of returning players after a long hiatus or players looking for something different. If this sounds like something you may be into, check us out and reach out to us!

Our group is active and friendly! :slight_smile:

Bit about me from a WoW perspective

  • I hadn’t really played the game for about 8 years. I played and raided from vanilla through Wrath and then stopped. I dabbled in other expansions (except Draenor) but it never caught on at the time and I didn’t necessarily have time to put into WoW.
  • The WoW bug has caught me again, i’m older now (in my 30s) and have obligations outside of WoW but knowing what I want out of the game and what I can give the game, has brought me perspective.
  • At this time I am more of a socially active WoW player, who enjoys some M+ and wouldn’t mind getting back into raiding (particularly come Shadowlands). I’d even do some now with the right group, but I don’t feel its worth it to put in so much work at this moment.
  • I’ve been enjoying leveling multiple characters and trying them out at 120 to really figure out what I want to play.

What the Re-roll project is

The Goal: Re-roll characters together on a chosen day to level. (Already 120 characters would be welcome, but a roll of a new character would be mostly required to play with everyone initially and help mesh our community)

  • We can run old dungeons together, meeting each other and meshing as group as we start this adventure together.
  • Upon reaching 120, we can start gearing our characters for Shadowlands and preparing the guild to be setup for success.
  • We can run dungeons together and maybe even do some casual Nya’lotha together if we got enough people to partake in this project.
  • Going into Shadowlands the idea would be to get a point where the guild would raid casually two nights a week for only a couple hours each night. This would allow for those who have other obligations to partake and not have any sort of hardcore schedule.
  • We would strive to be an active community, both in the game and discord (chat at least).


  • While it may be cliche as a lot of guilds say it, the goal would be to create a core group of players based around the community that we would create.
  • We would be an active community that tolerates all with a mature demeanor.
  • We would encourage people of all classes and skills to be a part of our community.
  • We would have a casual atmosphere that fits a social guild but the ability to focus if we end up getting to a point of doing content that requires it.

I chose the name because if this guild actually makes it off the ground, it would actually be from nothing.

So does this crazy idea interest you? If so please reply to me here or message me on Discord - mogs#7397. I’d be happy to jump on your server real quick to talk to you in-game about my idea, just let me know!

(For the cheesy closing line) It may be a lot and too ambitious, but isn’t that the truth about many things that are worth it?

Update 6/15 Hi all! Update for everyone as we have chosen a server and faction.
Faction: Horde
Server: Hyjal

Let us know any questions you all may have!


Sent you a discord request, would love to chat, I’m starting up a new and cool thing, check it out:) It sounds like we may on to the same thing!

@ Talis

I know you mentioned any server, but leaning toward any?

Heya! Thanks for the reply and possible interest. I’ve got a few on the short list that I’ve put below based on whether or not the group decides to go Horde or Alliance. All subject to change of course but the idea is once I get a bit more interest (I have a few people already which is great!) we can then make a decision on where and when to kick it off.

Horde: Hyjal, Dalaran, Kil’Jaeden, Zul’Jin (maybe too populated). Open to suggestions. Probably won’t be an “uber populated” realm (like Area 52).

Alliance: Dalaran, Lightbringer, Kel’Thuzad, Proudmoore (may be too populated).

Let me know if you have further questions or would like to talk more about it! Thanks for your interest!

Friend request sent. I myself created and ran a few successful re-roll’s prior to a few WoW expansions and often it provided a number of solid gaming friends I’m still in contact with, sadly non of them play WoW anymore :(. I’ve been waiting for a re-roll to pop up but I would only be interested if its horde. I am in the same boat as you as I just came back 2-3 months ago and am enjoying the casual solo adventure but now seek a place to call home. I’m free the rest of the afternoon so DM me back whenever.

Got it! Thanks for the reply Drbob. Look forward to speaking more in Discord. :slight_smile:

i am interested in this add my btag rosamu#1588 so we can talk some more :slight_smile:

Heya! Thanks for your reply and interest. Just added you on bnet, hope to chat soon! :slight_smile:

This sounds like a cool idea - I would be interested. I agree with all of your points - it’s so hard to find a guild that fits well. Maybe this is the magical solution… lol. I added you on discord, my ID is Leonys#2830.

Thanks for the replay Betty! Looking forward to talking you further on Discord and inviting you our Discord server!

Thanks for your interest! :slight_smile:

Yes Please Yes Please! I would love a reroll project to get back into the game before shadowlands. Please add me on Discord Rockets#9471 or on Bnet - Rockets#11534

Super excited!

I think rerolls are the best way to enter a new expansion. Always meet a lot of people that I stay connected with for years.

I think I’d be interested in something like this. It’s been a long time since I’ve been a regular part of a guild, but I don’t think Wow will last me much longer solo. Anyway I added you on discord(deathbypie#6728)

Discord server is up, stop on by and get to know your fellow re-rollers.

Got your message Lao and opened up a DM and sent you an invite to our Discord server!

Thanks for the DrBob - as mentioned, Discord server is up so all can stop by and meet people!

Hi all! I actually just started playing WoW a few weeks ago. It’s hard to believe it has been out for so long and I’m just now getting into the game. I’m not a complete newbie though. I’ve leveled my hunter on Shattered Hand to 94 and am planning to get to max level soon. I’ve been playing with some friends but I’ve been playing at a faster pace and I am really getting immersed in the game. At this point I’d like to learn as much as possible and eventually start raiding. This guild sounds like it would be a good place for me. I will go ahead and send over a discord friend request - I’m Fuller_Of_It#0693. I look forward to chatting with everyone!

Thanks for joining the Discord server Ketrick! :slight_smile:

Guild not even formed and we are already hanging out, running old content and teaching some new players the ropes. Come on in, the waters fine.

any decision on faction yet? im interested in joining up.

come join us in discord. active voice chat, running some old raids for transmog!