Evening everyone!
Good morning!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Going to chain run then mythics tomorrow!
Morning everyone!!!
Great tanking on pally this morning
DH tanking tonight
DK tanking tomorrow
Did i mention a monk and warrior?
Morning everyone. Up early to smash more dungeons!!!
Good morning everyone!
Evening everyone!
Happy resetmus everyone!
How about them alpha changes
Evening everyone!
Happy Friday everyone
[H][US][Dalaran] Recruiting for Season 4 and Dragonflight! - T/Th (8-11 PM EST)
Hello JcDemon!
I would love for you to join my team!
Progression: We were 3/11 M last season (with two weeks of pulls), but now we are reforming.
Our History: We are reforming on Dalaran for a better server culture and are excited to have a Stranger Things themed guild!
What we offer:
Mythic +
Alt raiding, transmog runs, and other guild activities
Guild repairs
Potentially PvP nights in the future
Battle Group (Stormstrike): Andorhal · Anetheron · Archimonde · Black Dragonflight · Dalaran · Dalvengyr · Dentarg · Duskwood
What we want:
Attendance (90%+ ideally) (but – real life comes first, we get that!)
A willingness to work collaboratively and take feedback to improve
Current Needs (for Mythic Team): Healers (2), and DPS
For more information, add the following Battle Tag:
Recruiter: Malideon#1650 -Bnet (Malideon#6527 -Discord Preferred)
hey there, i tried adding your discord – and it doesn’t seem to work, please add me : ) cherie#5217 and let’s talk!
Hopefully you all have a great Friday night!
Double leggos on my DH
Working on Pally now
Why am I awake? Maybe time to try some mythics!
Why do people hate pally / ret?
Morning everyone.
Pally tank at 250
DH tank at 247
Monk is next,