(a) < off spec > { home to all even meme specs! }

Here at off spec we have a very unique philosophy when it comes to raiding. Ever wanted to play a shadow priest? how about a balance druid? I know a lot of you wanted to play ret paladins! well my guild is for you! here at off spec our core raiding team will be composed of specs that were considered a meme back in 2004 many threads i have read on these forums about meme specs not being able to get into groups. this wot be a problem here at Off spec! we still need alot of people so all are welcome. we already have a guild tabard and are growing everyday no stress on when you “Have to get 60” were just looking to spice up some 15 year old pve content and have a blast in some premades!

bump from my main! on retail

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You mean my prot pally can have a home?


you can even live out the arcane dream on this toon