<A>: No Pressure - Heroic AOTC Team LF DPS/Off-Spec Heals [Tues 7:30 - 9:30 EST]

Recruitment Up

Still recruiting for mythic

Tuesday Update - still recruiting!

Wednesday… recruitment still up.

Recruitment up! :wave:

Still recruiting

Recruiting 3-4 dps still.

Recruiting DPS


Hello, added Kassie’s btag. whisper me if you are still looking for a DK

Hi there. I’ve added you & we can chat tonight @7:30pm est if you’re available?

We got some promising applicants! But we still are looking for more, especially a Boomkin and a Mage.

We’re always open to exceptional players in all classes. Feel free to contact me on bnet: Liarparadox#1170

Recruitment is still open, come trial with us!

Great folks ! Bump !

Exterra is one of our newly successful trials. Pst us for more info… we could be a great fit for you as well!

Hungering down tonight! Nice prog kill and we’re moving to Sun King. Still recruiting for additional slots, pst us for more info.

Hi there! Just added Kassle and Liar on Bnet! I play Unholy DK and Resto/Ele Shaman and have a few other friends who may be interested too!

Added you to bnet Lucerra. Can maybe connect tomorrow.

We’re still recruiting skilled players. contact me in game

Hi Lucerra,
I have added you as well and look forward to catching up soon. Reach out through bnet when you’re ready to chat.

We are recruiting & ready to trial. Please reach out today if interested.