A new take on player housing

that makes sense that you would be unwilling to look and see all of the posts that prove you were incorrect.

have a lovely day :slight_smile:

well you and i both know the information to confirm my statements is just a quick google search away.

just because you choose to not press the search button on google does not mean that the information does not exist.

i would like to properly thank you for your contributions to this subject, though. i definitely enjoyed having such a lovely discourse with you this evening.

i hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy all the new raid tiers that will be given to us in The War Within, because there will always be raid tiers every season.

Take care :slight_smile:

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yes it certainly is.

here i will link you to wowhead article that contains an overview of the first raid tier to come with the first season of The War Within.

It is called The Nerubar Palace

World of Warcraft: The War Within Expansion Overview - Wowhead

there ya go, have fun reading that :slight_smile:

Btw, what I’m quoting is the only part of your post I’m reading :rofl: :rofl:

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so what we have here so far is one icy-veins article where Ion stated

and a wowhead article discussing the first raid tier for the next expansion, so at the very least we will not be getting player housing during season one of war within.

could it come later? maybe but as Chris Metzen explained, we have three expansions to this next “World Soul Saga” and he told us that we would be given the expansions in a shorter timeline, which means even less time to implement player housing during the World Soul Saga.

Sounds like a pretty solid confirmation to me.

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well we have Ion Hazzicostas stating that implementing player housing would cost us a raid tier.

then we have Chris Metzen stating that he wants to deliver the entire World Sould Saga to us in a shorter time period.

Ion Hazzicostas position: Lead Game/Encounter Designer

Chris Metzen: full time Executive Creative Director

So we have two members of the blizzard developer team confirming this.

I don’t remember what the conversation is about.

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Ion Hazzicostas expressly stating that player housing would cost us a raid tier if implemented and Chris Metzen explaining that he wants to deliver us the World Soul Saga in a shorter time period than would usually take three expansions.

Do you want the last post, is this what’s this is about now? Just say you want the last word and you can have it. I’m planning to ignore you forever anyways but at this point I’m curious what your agenda is.

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i just wanted to have a friendly conversation that discusses the raid tiers that are planned for the next three expansions.

I don’t know what game that is, but that Wizard looks happy. I’d like to be that happy in Azeroth with my own player house.


That kinda looks like Wizard 101…could be wrong tho.

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After a quick google search…

You’re right! :+1:

ROFL yeah that ain’t true at all. From your cherry picking mine and other people’s posts, to flat out ignoring points and only responding to what you want, to just making false statements.

Anyways, go ahead and reply to this to get the last word in. I’ll see ya around when you alt hop again.

Speaking of which, bnet posting would be great, Blizz.


have you done the quest to unlock your garrison and start building your lovely player house in draenor yet?

I said that garrisons contained fishing ponds and herb gardens, then i linked wowhead articles that discusses these features of the garrison housing complex.

Guide to the Garrison Fishing Shack - Wowhead

Guide to the Garrison Herb Garden - Wowhead

i was unsure why you said these statements were false when i included a wowhead article with them.

Yes, I played during WoD. That’s on Draenor though. I did mention Azeroth in the sentence you quoted.

It felt more economical. More like I was going into the office, as opposed to a place to relax and enjoy my spoils.