A new take on player housing

but his video contains statements that come directly from the developers.

also, wowcrendor is a highly respected world of warcraft content creator.

this is the type of statement that i usually hear from most people regarding player housing.


“the only logical conclusion is that player housing isn’t as popular as the vocal minority would like us to believe, right?”

If you think players wanting housing in WoW are the vocal minority, you haven’t been on the forums for long. People have been asking for housing for over a decade (myself included) the problem is we have people developing the game that implement features they THINK we the players want rather than what we’ve actually been requesting.

One example I can provide is Earthen dwarves. Time and effort went into developing them as a new Allied race, but who asked? In the years I’ve been browsing the WoW forums I think I’ve seen maybe 1 thread requesting them as a race, and the reception I’ve seen so far to them being implemented into the game after all these years has been mostly negative.

If they added housing to either of the Midnight or Last Titan expansions people would lose their minds with excitement.


Here are the words directly from Ion that have been posted on icy-veins:

"Player housing is a big one. It’s one of those things to do right. It’s a big undertaking. If we were to do it, it’d probably have to span multiple expansions. It’s a large enough feature in terms of just the art.

Back in WoD, there were just two types of Garrisons – one for the Alliance and one for the Horde. A Blood Elf player who expected one with a Silvermoon architecture wouldn’t get one due to resource constraints. It’s very time-consuming and would cost us for example a raid tier."

here is the title of the article

Ion Hazzikostas on Player Housing and Archaeology - News - Icy Veins

notice how Ion expressly stated the following:

It’s very time-consuming and would cost us for example a raid tier.

Find me the one that has quarters and a bed for the commander.


I looked at it and I used it to try to find if anything else has been said but, seems like it is just this one and the Hazelnutty ones out there. still though with what they have said, it is likely they’ll do something … my point is just that I don’t think it is going to be the “big” thing folks are thinking it might be.

But that’s just from those two interviews, and things will undoubtedly change with time. Best thing to do is wait and see what they make of it.

That’s the interview I remember. I can’t wait until they put it in the game.

there are beds in every inn within the world of warcraft game… they are on the second floor.

that probably would likely never happen as Ion expressly stated

and most players in the world of warcraft wouldn’t want to give up a raid tier for player housing.

An example are these players who previously posted on the subject:

He said that part along time ago. Plus, he also said high elves are waiting for people on the Horde and no to classic servers. Player housing is coming.

Don’t care what other players say on the subject, they’re not a dev.

Indeed. In the end only Blizzard knows what they will implement. And we’ll have to wait and see what it is. But hopefully it is something good…cause if FFXIV can fix their housing system to not be as toxic to participate in, then It could be another big draw over WoW for the MMO.

but when you have an overwhelmingly large majority of the playerbase stating they don’t want to give up a raid tier for player housing, the devs will listen to that because they don’t want to lose the raider sub fees (and raiders are the most populated group in wow)

I said “quarters and a bed FOR the commander”

An Inn room is not that.

The garrison is not player housing. It is a quest hub.


False. Handful of people on the forums. Not reading it.

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well ion expressly stated that garrisons were player housing.

Ion has “expressly stated” a lot of things that are not so.

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They even said in the pre WoD interview that garrisons were not housing. I think their exact words were “something different.”

Too lazy to find it though so believe me or not.

just do a simple google search and you’ll see that there are an innumerable amount of reddit posts, forum posts, etc. of players stating they don’t want to lose a raid tier for player housing.

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