A new take on player housing

oh yeah, that was the interview where ion stated if he and his team at blizzard were to spend all the resources required to implement player housing, they would have forego adding a raid for that season.

I know, like I said, it’s ok.

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the great thing about those two articles is that they confirm that fishing ponds and herb gardens were present in the garrison player housing.

Yeah Wowhead’s a great site.


The only interview I know of is one he did with Hazelnuttygames but that’s not really dealing with the things that have been mentioned here.

Although just as a sidenotes … and this is definitely me opting to butt in; even if you disagree with someone (regardless of whether they are a troll or not), don’t completely rewrite what someone else says as a quotation. Don’t do that.


With all due respect, since I do like you, but you’re not my dad.

And it’s just fair play.


i agree, wowhead is great…

you know what is another great site?

youtube, i found a video by wowcrendor on youtube that is called “player housing in world of warcraft is it worth a raid tier?”

wowcrendor explains that the blizzard developers have expressly stated that player housing would take so many resources that they would have to give up a raid tier for a season or two.

Only the inn could be considered housing. All the other buildings are primarily profession buildings.

Don’t care, he’s not a dev.

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I know I can’t tell you to do or not do something, but… this sort of stuff does bother me. Simply because even with them being facetious and definitely trollish, it is still trying to pass off something someone else didn’t say as something they said.

Call it being the ex-journalist student in me feeling quite weirded out by stuff like that. Even though I do get it is not serious, it just … feels really wrong to me to see someone whose opinion I mostly agree with but not always do that. It just… no.

So don’t view it as much as me telling you but, politely asking. Even though I definitely wasn’t “polite” about it exactly.


no, the stable allowed you to keep animals within your housing complex in the garrison, which is lovely for player housing.

Yeah that’s exactly what he was doing to me so I’m giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Well, not exactly but close enough.

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Sure, ok, housing for your pets. Still not housing per se.

but wowcrendor stated that he discussed this with wow developers directly and said that the developers expressly told him that player housing would cause the developers to give up a raid for a season or two.

so he is giving us information directly from the blizzard developers who explained player housing is too large of a task.

but that’s what people do in their houses, they keep pets, right?

Eh, you do you.

Can’t blame you, but just wanted to say that … even if I should’ve been a lil’bit more polite about it to start off with, which I do apologize for rather than just straight up ‘telling’ you.

Speaking from a theoretical point of view. I wouldn’t be against it. Nice idea.

I think getting some relevance back to garrisons at least would be a nice side thing to do.

Vanilla or some alpha had player housing things but didn’t pass.

I doubt they’ll undertake player housing to be honest.

But your idea like I said is a nice one.

No biggie. I get where you’re coming from and it’s not something I do often, if ever. Until now.



That might be the one I am thinking of. Like I said, It’s been a bit and I could be fuzzy on some of the details.

yeah thats what has been blizzard’s statements regarding player housing have discussed: that player housing is simply too large of a task to implement.