A new take on player housing

I have, I’m pretty sexy and I know it.

Know what else is cool and sexy? Player housing.

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so you have read the official 6.3 patch notes where Square Enix notifies the community that the auto-demolition system for unused player housing has resumed?

Anyways, I ain’t reading 500 posts of what I assume is just this clown trolling people, but for my .02 on player housing, I would prefer that it just have nothing to do with garrisons.

Those were just player controlled modular cities, in the past version of an alternate reality that we no longer have access to. Probably as far removed from canon content as anything could be lol

I’m pretty hopeful that all this work going into updating cities and making new ones that we’ve seen in the last few updates are laying the groundwork for real player housing in 12.0

the reality is that player housing just simply does not contribute to the popularity of a MMO which directly correlates to the revenue-producing capabilities of said MMO.

This is why blizzard will never add player housing. They already tried adding player housing with garrisons and everyone said they didn’t like the garrisons.

which is why Square Enix was forced to create a player housing demolition system with patch 6.3 (which you can clearly see in the Patch 6.3 notes that were written first hand by Square Enix)

and Yoshida did exactly that in patch 6.3 - automated demolition of player housing.

I am pretty hot, thanks :slight_smile:

the patch 6.3 notes that were written first hand by Square Enix have some really useful information regarding the automated demolition system created to remove player housing.

It’s what a lot of people are hoping as well. I know that they said they had to do some major coding overhaul for Warbands. So maybe that eased some of the technological restrictions they were facing before with Housing.

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technical restrictions of player housing aren’t really relevant when player housing costs more money that it produces.

this is why Square Enix was forced to create a player housing demolition system.

Thanks! I like to think I’m pretty useful. Dunno if I can say the same about you, but I appreciate the sentiment. :blush:

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yeah, so go ahead and take a look at the patch 6.3 notes and you can read the explanation of why Square Enix created a player housing automated demolition system.

here is another quote

The automatic housing demolition for Worlds in the Chaos and Light Data Centers, which was halted temporarily in February 2023, will resume on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 around 1:00 a.m. (PDT).

For players who have not entered their estate during the suspension period:
The auto-demolition timer will resume from the time that was remaining as of Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 9:25 a.m. (PST).

An e-mail notification will be delivered to the e-mail address registered to the Square Enix accounts of those players whose estates will be prepared for auto-demolition within ten days of the scheduled maintenance. We strongly suggest those players log in and enter their housing before the automatic demolition timer is resumed on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 around 1:00 a.m. (PDT).

For players who have not entered their estates for at least thirty days, the status under the Estate tab of the Timers window will indicate the estate is being prepared for auto-demolition and denote the number of days remaining. This status will no longer be displayed upon entering the estate.

a half-rear attempt with little to no customization, no player agency on appearance, etc.

anyone being honest can admit that garrisons were not what people were asking for as far as player housing goes.


if player housing is so popular, why did Square Enix create an automated demolition system for players who have not logged into the game in 30 days?

Once for all …Garrisons were NOT viewed by the many of WoW as Player Housing…Garrisons are Static not creative…


garrisons are player housing and the feedback regarding garrisons was very bad, which is why blizzard has not created another player housing system.


Player housing would be cool in WoW!

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is that why Square Enix created a player housing demolition system for players who have housing but have not logged into the game in 30 days?

Yep! It would!

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but square enix has proven that player housing will not be well-received by the player base…

this is proven by the patch 6.3 reinstatement of the automated housing demolition system.

Wow he really is trying to die on this hill. Like he really can’t see that no one is going to give his opinions the time of day…

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these aren’t my opinions, this is information coming directly from the 6.3 patch notes that were written first-hand by square enix