A new take on player housing

just wanted to add an update for sunday morning, which would be prime viewing time for Twitch.

World of Warcraft: 36,100 viewers (no player housing)
Elder Scrolls Online: 2,000 viewers (yes player housing)
Star Wars the Old Republic: 322 viewers (yes player housing)
Final Fantasy 14 online: 5,500 viewers (yes player housing)

So, these statistics undisputably show that World of Warcraft is currently the most popular MMO.

World of Warcraft does not have player housing.

The next closest competitor would be Final Fantasy 14 Online which does have player housing. But FF14’s viewership is 15% of World of Warcraft’s viewership.

It would appear that the addition of player housing into an MMO has no positive correlation with the popularity of the MMO nor does it have a positive correlation with how much profit an MMO can produce.

I think WoW’s developers have seen the player housing just simply does not increase the profits of an MMO - all it does is detract from the overall enjoyment of the game because more resources were spent on creating player housing while no significant portion of the game’s population engages with it

so the fact that blizzard has never added player housing makes perfect sense, looking at it from a pure economical position.

I don’t believe twitch views correlate to subscriber count. It just shows which streamers get more hits.

I think your logic is flawed.

Anyone who claims Garrisons were housing has never played an MMORPG with real housing.

Nevermind. Not even a post that can be taken seriously.

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it certainly does.

but think about why world of warcraft twitch streamers have more viewers than Final Fantasy 14 streamers- because World of Warcraft has more active players who are interested in consuming World of Warcraft content.

there is a very good reason why Blizzard has expressly acknowledged the request for player housing but has declined to put it into the game for 20 years.

and these statistics clearly show that player housing does not increase the revenue making capabilities of an MMO

yes, that makes perfect sense to me.

just an FYI for anyone who isn’t familiar with Yoshida

  • Naoki Yoshida: Producer and Director of Final Fantasy 14 Online.

A quick google search has shown that Final Fantasy 14 devs were forced to create a “demolition system” for unused player housing. Basically, if a player does not log into FF14, then their player housing will be demolished

Square Enix says that “after careful consideration, we have decided to resume auto-demolition with the release of patch 6.3.”

It would appear that players purchase a plot of land in FF14 and then it is so common for them to simply never log on again that the FF14 developers were actually forced to spend more money to create a system for demolishing player housing of players that no longer log into the game.

i believe that the player housing demolition system is not completely irrelevant.

the fact that FF14 developers actually created a player housing demolition system proves that player housing will never increase the revenue of an MMO

Didn’t read that wall of text and it’s still irrelevant.

Happy Sunday, hope you have another productive day of being totally wrong about everything. :slight_smile:


Man this is still going. And with some weird arguments too to try and convince people that player housing is bad…but I suppose people have to try and find ways to put down things others want. Oh well.

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i am just stating facts:

Yes, because every other MMORPG must be wrong! And the new cozy MMO by former WoW devs doesn’t know what it’s doing or what people want! :rofl:

I can’t even see their posts, but it’s just hilarious to me that people who have no idea what real player housing is in an MMORPG continue to spout stuff like they know what they’re talking about.

i have laid out facts and described why they prove player housing will not increase the revenue producing capabilities of an MMO and your only rebuttal has been

yeah i bet blizzard is going to look at your posts and say “wow that guy really has provided clear evidence that player housing will help us make more money!”

Yeah I saw the ‘Ignored Content’ thing flash, which means that one of them AGAIN tried to talk to me after I specifically said I put them on ignore. It’s really sad behavior. Like if you know someone’s got you on ignore why are you still trying to argue with them?

yeah exactly, this is a great point.

To be honest, I do reply to some people who I know have me on ignore. But not because I’m trying to converse with them. It’s because even though they seem to hate me now, I still like them and I agree with a lot of what they usually say. So even in here, I’ve replied to someone I know has me on ignore, because I wanted to highlight what they had to say to agree with it and point out what’s right about it.

I’ve had that one on ignore for a long time, he always pops up in player housing threads to try and troll it into the ground.

Weird thing to obsess over but I guess people need their hobbies.


Fair. But that one just has nothing useful or of value to say on this subject. And it kind of just seems like they want to argue, only to argue.


Your opinion ABOUT your opinion is also noted.

Or any subject, for that matter. lol

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it is a FACT that FF14 has created an auto-demolition system because players don’t log in again after they get their player housing.

just look up the patch notes for 6.3

is this what you want for Blizzard and WoW?

Blizzard spends alot of resources to develop player housing and then have to spend MORE RESOURCES to create a system for demolishing the player housing when people don’t use it just like FF14?

Yup. So I have no interest in engaging with them.


Funniest thing I read all morning.

Really wish they did. I’m right.

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have you looked at the patch notes of 6.3 for Final Fantasy 14 and seen that they contain the addition of a player housing demolition system because so many people never log on again after getting their housing?

i’m quoting an official final fantasy 14 source - the official 6.3 patch notes that were written directly by Square Enix.