A new take on player housing

well Ion Hazzikostas said it best himself (and Ion is the Lead Game/Encounter Designer)

I love this game. I still have friends that I socialize with. I also want to decorate my little space on Azeroth.

Good. Raiding is boring.


What’s “icky” about SWTOR housing?

:dracthyr_shrug: Am I supposed to sympathize for Blizzard’s operating budget?

I am looking forward to that though.

It’s a win-win. It’ll take them many years of slow implementation; the raids will continue to be made, and immediately all the people in this thread who asked for it would be happy they got it. Good deal.


no idea, never played that one. i just know when there’s a lot system there’s usually a way to grief over it unless people can share lot locations. like new world anyone can pick same house so i’m good with that kind of system.

I think they are more meaning like FFXIV’s housing system where there’s a limited amount available and people have to pay literal Millions of Gil to participate.

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Yeah I heard about that but he did say “every game that has it.”

I wasn’t taking him literally but I assumed that meant he seen a bunch of games with housing.

Not reading the whole thread, so strictly just replying to OP. Garrisons are not, will not, and have never been housing. They were functioning war bases, and that’s it. This is not a “new take” on housing. It is a new take on Garrisons. Get your post correct please.


This is an unpopular opinion, but I’m okay with houses being sold on the shop for real money. ESO does it, but you could also buy it with Septims instead of Crowns.

Kinda weird Blizz isn’t seeing the dollar signs for putting housing in the shop. Trading Post items could also be furniture; they’re gonna run out of mogs and pets, eventually.

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but that’s precisely how they should add it. just one style per expansion or every second expansion if they want. they dont’ have to release it as if its been around 20 years right off the bat, i don’t get how they couldn’t do exactly that and slowly release it over the span of several expansions. its just an excuse not to do it.

i mean, that’s how they do everything else. how is that not an appealing way, it’ll draw housing players in when they release a new housing style. if they release 20 at once, there’s nothing really to look forward to and one new one won’t have as much impact.

i don’t think anyone is asking for a fully fleshed out, 50 style housing system right away. add a nice theme every expansion, people will be happy. they seem to be able to do two like with garrison so they can do a style for each faction or two styles available for both. i see that as a reasonable addition housing wise.

oh, and just reuse assets for one raid, raiders might cry but they’ll get a raid they can do with minimal art work for their artists. or better yet, use assets already in the game for the initial housing, i don’t think anyone really wants BRAND NEW looking items right away, i’d be happy to be able to place the items that are already seen all over the game.

i just want a few kegs and a bed. gimme a couch to sit on and a parrot for entertainment. that’s it. i’m happy with housing.


I wouldn’t count on it.

In SLs and DF alone they have added well over 400 new mounts. They just recolor the crap out of one model.

I don’t think any mount on the TP has been a unique model.

That’s fair. Point still stands that furniture or wallpaper or decorations would be neat things to add to the TP.

Oh I agree completely and I’m not sure why they haven’t added player housing. Every time there’s a Q&A someone always submits a question about player housing. Granted, they usually ignore those questions but they don’t always because they know they’ll catch hell for it.

Well, the Lead Game/Encounter Designer has explained that player housing is such a big project that we would have to have an entire season or expansion with no raids and the entire player base said they would prefer to have the raids.

People like yourself are why I want account wide ignore.

Same. My ignore list is huge and I have a feeling most of them are the same person.

I’m also sure this isn’t the first time I put Bula-whatever on ignore.

Edit: I don’t mean literally one person, I mean I’m sure (for example) ten of them are the same person.

Reading through another thread, they are known to alt hop to ignore evade. But not here to derail a housing thread, even if said thread was talking about gags Garrisons being ‘housing’.

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The developers at blizzard have expressly stated in the past that garrisons were their attempt to design player housing for the game.

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without actually doing proper housing though. but yes it was their version that fit well enough with that expansion. since that comment was directed at someone saying garrison wasn’t housing, i agree, with that addition added.

Well it seems that garrisons hav everything that players would want in player housing:

  1. An herb garden
  2. A fishing pond
  3. A stable for mounts
  4. A separate house to keep your companion battle pets.
  5. Exclusive access (meaning that other players were not able to enter your housing complex unless you invited them).

The devs had tried to give wow players housing but garrisons were very poorly received.

So I just don’t think they are going to try housing again because no one really liked player housing the first in Warlords of Draenor.

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