A new take on player housing

well there already is player housing in draenor, so i dont think it will be coming to azeroth any time soon, at least based on what the Lead Game/Encounter Designer Ion Hazzikostas had said in the icy-veins article entitled

and Ion stated

then the wowhead article that describes our first raid tier in the next expansion called Nerubar Palace

World of Warcraft: The War Within Expansion Overview - Wowhead

It’s just you.

I give you credit for creativity but play the sims if that’s what you are looking for.

This isn’t World of Housecraft….

i would agree with this statement, that is a very good point, thank you for sharing that with us today :slight_smile:

You are quite welcome

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Yes make player housing so I can scream about being stuck in a glass cage of emotions when I log in. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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You tell’em Tovi…:slight_smile:

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Top notch logic you have there.

People should go play another game instead of asking for something every other MMO has and that something wouldn’t effect you at all.

I don’t know why people think this community is such trash :roll_eyes:


Surprised I still recognize that game it’s been so long…XD


And where would you place this updated garrison?

This is why millennials struggle with home ownership compared to boomers. SMH.

Boomers never had time to think about dumb crap like housing in a game, they were too busy buying real houses.

So says one of the biggest trollers in the forums.

10/10 for pompous.

If it’s a bad idea it IS ok to say it’s a bad idea. Would never want Blizz to divert resource from the game for bizzaro side bar activity.

But clearly only your opinion matters and you are somehow self nominated Troll in Chief.

Back onto the ignore list you go.

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I don’t think you know what a forum troll is.

No, I didn’t say that but what’s funny is YOU are the one acting like your opinion is the only one that matters. You told the OP to go play another game because this isn’t “Housecraft.”


That’s not player housing.

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yeah that’s a very good point. i would agree.

well amoncarter stated their opinion very eloquently and i fully agree with it… i believe that amoncarter is correct here.

Other MMOs have robust player housing and it only adds to the experience.

I’d rather play “World of Housecraft” than slog through endgame raids and M+.


then maybe wow isn’t the best game for you and you should choose another MMO that suits you better?

Disingenuous and disconnected response that doesn’t even come close to deserving a serious reply.


i hope you have a lovely day as well.

hopefully you find the game that suits you better :slight_smile:

Well, for some strange reason people would rather not have activities that would appeal to a wider audience and they would rather tell others to go play another game, even though WoW probably doesn’t have half the population it did 10 years ago.

But maybe Blizzard will give m+ and raids AI followers too. They’re already doing it in dungeons and one bg.

i’d prefer they keep housing simple right off the bat. just add one simple building that everyone uses. expand if it works out in a way they like or do like they do every expansion and just forget it exists and move on if the result isn’t up to their standard.

after that expand using the multitude of ideas there’s been. but to keep the playerbase involved, throw some rare bind on use decorations in every aspect of the game. so raiders(and m+), farmers, secondary profs, etc can all be sources of decors for the hermits.

i like the lumberjack/contractor thing but they seem to have a hard enough time keeping current profs relevant throughout an expansion that i’m not sure two more would help.

as mentioned, i think they’re probably holding onto the housing thing until they are hurting for cash because that is something they could easily milk the playerbase with. i could see a $50 couch in the store O.o and definitely people buying tokens to buy the rare drops in content they don’t do.

i’m not a housing fan, btw. not entirely anti housing unless they add a lot system which just makes housing icky in every game that has it.